Dry mouth

  • 14 replies
  • 74 subscribers


im new to this group and finding it very difficult to navigate.

I have an I extremely dry mouth and am getting more depressed by the day as I’m finding it impossible to eat anything.

Can anyone give me any advice please as I’m at my wits end. 

  • I'm glad you enjoyed it Jerry the cat, i changed to Real Ale as i found Lager is too gassy, i also enjoy a Guinness. Wine tastes like acid so i avoid that Slight smileAll the best.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • I will have to sample this Peter Slight smileCheers.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Pete,

    sorry I didn’t ask yesterday, but do you mind telling me what you were having as calories from the date your treatment ended to when you were having your small meals in September? I seem to have been taking these frescubin supplements for ages now, and they’re nit the easiest.

  • Hi Lee

    I had some problems with weight loss after treatment, my stomach would not tolerate Ensure 2cal for some reason, I ended up in hospital to stabilise my weight. Oncology put me on Jevity feed .... through PEG tube pump 2400 calories a day.

    When I got home I was using pump to feed overnight, not ideal but it worked, as I healed and started on small meals I tried Ensure again, orally, on dietitian's advice, was able to keep it down, eventually stopped supplementing meals with Ensure as I was able to maintain my weight normally.

    Not easy Lee , rough ride for us.... but we get there 
