Jaw cancer

  • 9 replies
  • 82 subscribers

Thanks All for your replies so kind of you, well I’ve made a appointment to get my teeth polished at a dentist who my daughter in law used to work for so they know of what I’ve been through but of course it will still cost, what worries me is that will this dental surgeon go ahead fitting my dentures for free or expect me to pay ? After all I had teeth but had them pulled out during the operation ? 

Should I get in touch with York and travel up to see my surgeon and ask if he will take me on again but it’s a five hour trip , all I’ve been to,d is that some hospitals don’t do dental work that isSweatt directly to do with the cancer I had my operation back in may 2023 and still waiting Sweat

  • go ahead fitting my dentures for free or expect me to pay ?

    I suspect they will cost. 
    I would phone and email ( so that you have a record) your CNS at York and get them to arrange an appointment with your surgeon to see you but failing that to refer you to the nearest dental hospital to you that deals with restorative surgery after cancer. As a patient in England you are entitled to be seen at any hospital of your choice if they have capacity. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Hi sadly it’s likely you will have to pay. Over the last 6 years I’ve met many who had up to 8 teeth removed promised the Earth but rarely they have been given free treatment. York I would imagine would use Leeds dental hospital did you go there for extractions ? Or teeth checking ? 

    Hugs Hazel 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Good evening Tiadora, i was told that they would cover the cost of any dental work caused by cancer, surgery, or treatment, i had my lower jaw reconstructed so my lower teeth went as well, true to his word my consultant sorted out all the dental work with a restorative dentist, i know i keep saying this but maybe times have changed since 2010 when i had my last surgery. In most cases, normally the consultant does not allow a third party to do any dental procedures that involve surgery. Maybe its worth getting in touch with your old consultant because as Dani mentioned you are allowed to be treated elsewhere. I hope you manage to get yourself sorted. Best wishes.

                                                                                    Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • I’m already seeing a dentist at the new hospital carrying n my aftercare but he’s the one who said. Had to get my five remaining teeth cleaned as they don’t do it at that hospital 

  • Hi Tiadora

    Glad that you have found a dentist that can help. You might find that the cost of having implants and dentures quite expensive so you need to get a quote. That is the reason that I turned from a private patient to a public one as for me the cost was prohibitive. It did include the special titanium prosthesis, 4 implants into my cheekbones and the denture that attached to them. I was told privately it would cost about $20,000 Australian dollars. Way out of my league unless I mortgaged my house. Implants alone can be very expensive. All my work is now done at the Dental Hospital as way too tricky for a normal dentist. Even within the Dental Hospital there are different levels of dentists depending on the type of work that needs to be done. I am now being seen by a prosthodontist at the Dental Hospital as the other dentist I was seeing did not specialise in the type of denture and fixings that I now have.

    You need to do a bit more research as to what the Dental Hospital you are going to can provide.



  • I had 4 teeth, gum and bone removed almost 4 years ago, was fitted with a plate which was ok but not the best. In the last two weeks I had a bone graft from the hip to build the bone up in my mouth ready for implants, I go back in 3 months for the next stage, not pleasant and a tad painful….. but should be worth it in the long run, comes under restorative dental work, done at the same hospital as my original op (Luton and Dunstable) I was advised to get it done while it’s still being funded as some trusts no longer fund this type of treatment, I feel fortunate, hope you can get something sorted 

  • My surgeon at York would have done everything needed for me to get back to at least some sort of normality but they won’t allow outside dentists to do anything, where I am now they won’t touch any cleaning etc but should do my restorative dental work under the cancer treatment , but why would any dental surgeon allow any dentist to even go near my mouth after such invasive surgery it’s just all beyond  me x I was told they might take out the five remaining teeth at York, here they say I should keep them. What I’m saying is will the hospital here expect me to pay for my ongoing treatment as I’m only just half way through under the cancer plan ?

  • Hi Tiadora

    I know being in Australia it is different. There is only one Dental Hospital in the state where I live so everyone in the maxiofacial restorative area knows everyone including the surgeons and there are multi disciplinary discussions so it is a lot easier although waiting times can still be lengthy. I still had to pay something towards my denture even though it was under the public system but it was much more affordable than in the private system.It was about $1,000 but includes all the visits and fittings with the prosthodontist which have been many. 

    Can you ring your Dental Hospital and ask the admin there if they can clarify what you will be expected to pay for the denture?



  • What I’m saying is will the hospital here expect me to pay for my ongoing treatment as I’m only just half way through under the cancer plan ?

    If you are being treated in an NHS hospital, then no but it is simple to reassure yourself. Ask.


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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