Neck dissection stiffness

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Hi I’m 5 weeks post op maxillectomy reconstruction of radial flap to palate and Neck dissection. 
 How long does it take for the numbness and stiffness to settle?? I’m doing exercises and massage. I’ve also gone quite deaf in the ear on the side of the neck dissection as well as being numb, very odd feeling 

thanks Blush 

  • I had neck dissection about 8/9 months ago. The weird, rubbery numb feeling has largely gone, swelling has reduced, but I still get stiffness and some pain.

    I do tend to hunch my neck, and have to make an effort to massage and exercise.

    The neck dissection seems to have shifted things in my neck, and I strongly suspect it will never look or feel normal again. But I’ve read comments from others who feel they made a very good recovery.

    5 weeks is actually very early in the post-surgery recovery process, so you should be able to expect definite improvement over the next few months. I believe we do continue to recover after surgery for as long as 18 months.

  • Thanks for that I can barely move my neck when I get up and as the day goes on, still sore feels like it’s stretching/burning so yeah hopefully it will improve, I told my employer I’d be back at work hopefully after 3 months from op so here’s hoping it improves soon as I can’t drive yet due to the stiffness 

    thanks again

  • I think it was nearly two months before I drove post op, because I could not turn my neck enough. No problem with that now.

  • Oh that’s good to know 



  • I had a maxillectomy in 2019 but did not have a skin graft but instead had an obturator. I also became deaf on the same side as I had the maxillectomy apparently from fluid build up which would not go away.  My surgeon put in a grommet and this solved the problem. I also have altered sensation in my neck and ear from the neck dissection and also on my lip from the maxillectomy. This has improved since my op but has never gone away completely. It is something I have got used to.

    It definitely took me a few weeks before I felt able to drive again and the seat belt rubbing on my neck where the altered sensation is was quite uncomfortable. I bought a sheepskin cover to go over the seat belt and that helped a bit. I still have to use it.

    Everyone is different though and  some report a better recovery from the altered sensation than others. Keep up the exercises as time is a great healer.

    Best wishes



  • Hi ER1 I found that using a massage shower head with water as hot as I could stand helped my neck enormously.  You still need to massage and feel the area so that you are used to the normal and can notice any changes.  Exercises are key and I had some physio engagement that helped more than the written sheets.

    I found most stiffness went within 6 months and by 18 I was as back to normal as I was going to get with only minor discomfort.  I occasionally get cramp in the side of my neck where the dissections were and I guess that is still the muscles complaining about what they had done to them!

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • I had my neck dissection in June 2018 and found that half of my face, all around my ear and down through my neck were completely numb.  As you say, a very odd feeling.  I remember not being able to find my ear!   Once the nerves began to repair themselves I regained most of the feeling in my face although it still remains numb at the edge, as does my ear and neck.  I was forewarned that certain areas would probably remain numb.

    I was given gentle exercises to do every day to try to keep my neck as supple as possible and told I would have to do them for life.  I've certainly gained a lot more movement in my neck but it's not as flexible as it used to be.

    As Cathy says, 5 weeks is still early after surgery.

    Linda x

  • I had a neck dissection followed by radiotherapy too.  Treatment ended just over a year a go (2/2/21) Very much like Linda, I still do daily exercises to try and stop it stiffening up. It always feels a little numb and lumpy though, even though from the outside it looks quite normal. Very odd! A lot of feeling has returned but I’m not expecting it all to. I have a friend 2 years ahead of me after the same treatment and he is still numb from his earlobe to his shoulder.
    The worst thing for me though is the damned itching! Some days my neck itches along the scar line  and drives me to distraction. I know I mustn’t scratch it as my neck is now at greater risk of cellulitis (which I’ve had a couple of times in my foot and it hurts like hell) so I just have to try and put up with. Arrrgh! Like Peter, if possible a shower head as hot as I can bear it brings temporary relief but I’m still searching for a longer term solution. 

  • Thanks Sophie 

    interesting about the ear isn’t it? How do you find the obturator as I was offered this but chose the reconstruction?? 

  • Thanks Peter 

    if haven’t seen a physio I’ve just googled exercises? I’m doing neck arm shoulder and jaw exercises 3 x a day. Think that’s enough?? 