Large firm lump in face over Paratid duct region, advice please?

  • 39 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi all, I hope I'm ok to post here? I was just wondering if anyone could help me by sharing their Paratid tumor symptoms please? I've not yet been diagnosed but I'm starting to have my concerns and I need a doctor to take me seriously! About 3 months ago I noticed a firm, horizontal oval shaped lump just below my cheekbone kind of over the Paratid duct area. It's very hard and if I suck in my cheeks you can see the ful outline of the lump at least 2 centimetres in diameter (only on left side if face) It doesn't hurt at all and isn't red but I do think it's ever so slowly growing and becoming more obvious. I saw a doctor before Christmas who said he thought I had an infection in the gland in my cheek (although he did say he was sure it would hurt if this was the case and mine doesn't) so he just put me on a course of antibiotics and said that should do the trick. They made no difference whatsoever and it does seem slightly bigger.  Does this sound like a Paratid tumor and should I be requesting to see a specialist? Does this sound like the area it could affect? I have also had a large lump below my right armpit that seems to go up and down and I have had this for around 12 months not sure if that has any connection. I'm really sorry if this sounds a little trivial, but can't talk to family as I don't want to worry them. Thank you for listening and any thoughts are appreciated x

  • FormerMember

    I would definatly get a second opinion try not to worry (i no its hard not to) but stress is not good for you seek another doctor i changed doctors when i found my lump in my salivary gland the doc called said we can confirm its a toumour but dont no if its cancer as my google down so can you google it plz!!! What !!!!so that day i changed doc and it was the best thing i did.x

  • Hi Carrie thank you so much for coming back to me, I have booked an appointment for the 31st to see a new doctor and to see if we can arrange the necessary scans. Can I ask you did yours sound similar to mine? I wasn't sure about the area that mine is in as its not the usual below the jaw or just in front of ear but it seems that mine is almost in the hollow of my cheek below the zygomatic arch and just over where I think the parotid duct is. I can feel a definite outline to the lump it is hard and not moveable and is a horizontal oval shape just over 2cm. Thank you so much for listening to me and for your advice X 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pip123

    No mine was inder my jaw bone in my salivary gland it was about 2cm hard didnt hurt at first they said it was a blocked gland, then i had a biopsy that came back ok no cancer then had salivary gland removed then they found cancer. Mine is very rare in my age group it in over 70 only im 39. So iv had full neck dicection and 31rt just fin.x mine was completly in diferent place to urs so not a clue in terms ov were it is sorry.x im sure it will all be fine just keep positive.


  • Thank you so much for your reply Carrie, I bet you are so glad you have come to the end of your treatment xx I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and will keep your positive thoughts in mind! I am 35 yr old female so I'm hoping things won't be too bad. Thank you for replying to me xx

  • Hello Pip 123 , i think you have got to go back to your Dr and ask for him to examine you again , he should at least send you for a blood test and an x-ray just to get the ball rolling . This is no way trivial as we know more about the changes in our bodies than the Drs do so your concerns should be addressed . I do not know anything about this cancer but would steer clear from looking it up on google as it can be very misleading . I do know that lumps can appear then disappear over night , i still have a small lump on my neck which has been checked and was nothing to worry about . If the lump is still there get down to your Drs a.s.a.p so he/she can see it plus you should have been told to go back if the antibiotics did not work ,plus an infection can cause pain. Im not a doctor but have been through the cancer journey and would say get it checked for peace of mind for you and your family as you cannot keep things like this away from them for to long . Im afraid we do not get many cases of this cancer but we will try and reassure you in any way so please come back if you have more questions . Sorry i did not answer earlier but i though someone else who has had it might have come forward . Anyway i wont waffle on but wish you all the best with your Dr ,be stern and strong .

                                                         Chris .

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Chris thank you for your kind and reassuring reply I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. Yes I have now booked to see a different doctor (can't get in until 31st) and my husband is going to come along for support , hopefully we can get the necessary tests ordered! The lump has been here since end of October so I definately think I've now given it enough time to sort itself but it's not going away... And still no pain whatsoever. I have just read your profile and cannot begin to imagine what a terrible time you have had with your cancer journey and how strong you have had to be. I wish you all the very best for a very speedy recovery and a healthy future x

  • Not a problem Pip, so pleased you have booked to see another doctor lets hope he/she is a bit more on the ball. Im ok now and was signed off by my consultant last year as he said that it is very unlikely that it will come back so it was all worth it in the end . Good luck on the 31st .

                                      Chris .x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I found the exact same lump in my left cheek, thinking it was an infection,I went to my doctor who referred me as she wanted to check it!!! I was bemused at the time and no mention was made of cancer. I had an x-ray and ultra sound, followed y a biospy and MRI scan. The  Max Facial consultant felt it was not cancer,but explained that any lump in the oral cavity/face should be removed. So 9 months after finding it , I had a operation to remove it. It went to the labs to be looked at and  I was diagnosised  with with  parotid gland cancer.......3 years on life is tough and very different. GO and get it checked out!!! if it was not for my doctor , my outcome could have been different. When I saw my doctor after diagnosis I thank her, she commented that it rang alarm bells as her father had had something similar. I was a healthy 45 yr old it was completely out of the Blue.  Good luck take care of you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Carrie-Anne, I have only just joined the whole forum world and have just come across this. I have just had a cancerous lump removed from my salivary gland last week. Just recovering from it now. I am only 32. I got told too it is quite rare being female and my age to get it. I am just waiting for results from the biopsy to determine if I need radiotherapy. 

    How has your journey been?

    Vicki x

  • Oh my gosh I have just seen your message thank you for coming back to me with your experience, that must have been such a terrible shock for you.. I hope you are doing as well as can be expected? I have just read your message to my husband and it makes us more determined to push for answers it's so frightening how these things can just crop up. My appointment seems to be taking a while coming but booked to see doctor a week on Tuesday. Can I ask where your lump was exactly? Mine is just below the cheekbone and seems to be getting more firm, still no pain. It seems fixed in place. I had my renewal photos done for my passport yesterday and was shocked to see that my cheek also looks puffier on one side.  Thank you again for your message to me xx