Advice needed

  • 8 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi all, new to group 

My mum has just had her 6th and last chemo cycle 3 days ago . Apart from tingling in her hands and not being able to drink cold drinks , she hasn't really had much other side effects.

Her lower back has been nipping at times but always tolerable. 

But on Saturday evening she was in agony

Said its like stabbing pains all along her lower back

Has anyone else experienced this ? Could it be a side effect of the chemotherapy ?

or is it the thing we are fearing and that the cancer has spread ?

She is booked for a scan at the end of the month so just dont know what to think .

just so worrying 

got co codemol from gp today   , hopefully that will help ease the pain 

any advice would be great 

Thank you 

  • Where is her cancer ! I have had pain in my upper back before I had chemo but not since ! Not sure about pain in lower back from oesophageal cancer ? 
    Is she having FLOT ? 


  • Sorry, no advice because my husband hasn't experienced this pain. I'm sorry your Mum is suffering and hope she can get some help as soon as possible. It's good that the GP have prescribed some effective pain relief.

  • Yes she is having flot . And yes oesophageal cancer.  I have Googled chemo and back pain and said yes it can be side effect , but was hoping maybe others on here would know more about it ... just fearing the worst if it has spread to her spine or something. 

    Thanks for your reply 

  • Sorry to hear you’re moms getting lower back pain after chemo it’s not something that I have experienced but there is probably someone on here that has!, I have an oncologist call me after each session so if this is the case with your mom maybe mention to them !

    take care Tricia x

  • Hi,

    I experienced severe lower back pain after, I think, my second round of FLOT. Was in absolute agony, leaning on the end of the bed and unable to move. One of the few times my wife had to csll the emergency number. Took paracetamol and, after a couple of hours, it subsided and I was able to get back into bed again. Never happened again. Hope this is of some help. CB

  • Thanks for your reply.  My mum is still quite sore , but thinks pain killers are helping a bit . Hoping after a few days it will ease . Triage nurse is for checking up on her tomorrow again,  just awful for my mum being in pain.  Cancer is bad enough. 

    Thank you 

  • Is she having Filgrastim injections for White Blood Count? Lower back pain is one of the know side effects of this

  • No , no injections . Her main side effects have been tingling in her hands and feet , and sensitive to cold . Mostly all nerve related , think it's called cipn. I did Google it . It did say it could be a side effect . Trying to hold onto that hope and that it hasn't spread to her bones