First oncology appointment

  • 5 replies
  • 70 subscribers

Just got back from my first Oncology appointment. My cancer has spread to my bone and every lymph node. It is incurable and the dr told me that with a ball park figure that if I respond to treatment well they could give me just over a year, If not it will be less than a year!

The treatments that have been suggested is chemo and if I will benefit from them immuno and radio

The only thing I am worried about now is my two son's, yes I know they are adults at 22 and 24, but I can't help worrying about who is going to take care of them when I am gone, especially since we lost their mum to covid back in 2020. 

I am so so sorry to be the bearer of bad news on here and loose all positivity. I just had to sort of say it out loud 

  • Alrightson 

    Your Sons will ge strong for you enjoy your time together . Do the things you wanted to do with them . Talk to them they will be scared the same as you ,, No one can say what they would do In your shoes . I wish you and your family all the hest what ever future  holds for you . You will be in my prayers  and thought's 

    Nic nac

  • Hi Jason,

    I am so very very sorry to hear that you have received the news that we all dread. I’m sure that it will take you and your sons some time to process the information. It is so unfair on them having lost their mum so relatively recently. I hope that the treatment you are offered allows you as much time as possible and the strength and energy to share as many good experiences with your sons as you can in whatever time you may have. CB

  • Hi

    I' sorry that you are going through this. I feel for you as a parent myself. Hopefully immunotherapy/chemo/radio will work for you and hold the cancer at bay for as long as possible.  I'd say build memories, write them letters and perhaps introduce them to counselling services.  I lost my mum to cancer when i was in my 30s - so much older than your sons - i still treasure seeing her handwriting on my last birthday cards. I suppose id suggest thinking about what they might treasure.  I'm sure Macmillan have advisors who can help with practical and emotional  support ideas. I'm sure your head is still spinning and you need to give yourself some time to process this shocking news.  Wishing you all the best.

  • Hello Jason,

    I'm sorry that your prognosis has turned out to be one of the worse ones on top of having lost your wife prematurely. Our daughters have asked us to tell them everything we know because they, like I, want to feel as much a part of this horrible journey as their Dad is having to face. They're a couple of years younger than your lads. We read a very helpful interview with Chris Hoy, this morning, in which he voiced many of the thoughts and feelings my husband said he has had, upon being told it's incurable.

    Sending love,


  • so sorry jason you have had that conversation, keep talking on here, lots of compassion, advice and just a shoulder to lean on, helped me a lot when the days the diagnosis finally really really sunk in, it meant i felt it was ok to have a mini meltdown by myself,  our financial guy came round yesterday thought about time we did the grown up stuff, when he put my retirement date on the prediction chart, for pensions, it was like, well we need to look at that thank you very much.

    lots of advice here and real support and real life experiences with this horrible type of cancer.

    also sending love
