Concerned Daughter

  • 8 replies
  • 75 subscribers


My dad was diagnosed in May 24 and had a stent fitted in July 24. Unfortunately he was unable to have an operation to remove the 8 tumors as he was too weak and since then has been unable to have chemo because he’s just got weaker and weaker. 

I feel now is just a waiting game. He’s struggling to keep food down and is loosing weight daily. any recommendations for food will be welcome. 

The history, he had pain for nearly 3 years and after scans he was told it was all his his head. It took a request for a camera down to find the cancer. If we hadn’t pushed, I’d have no idea where we could have ended. 

unfortunatly there isn’t anything they can do, but watching what’s happening is heartbreaking  

  • Hi,

    Sounds like your dad is having a very rough time of it. I hadn’t heard of anyone having 8 tumours before! In terms of getting calories in, I included a lot of full fat milk, double cream, ice cream, cheese, etc in my diet. Runny porridge with honey and cream for breakfast, cheesy soft scrambled eggs or blended soups for lunch and things like sloppy cottage pie for dinner plus high calorie snacks in between (crisps, biscuits, cake, etc). What age is your dad? He will need to regain strength and weight for any treatment plan that might be considered. Good luck to you both in your battle against this disease. CB

  • Thank you for your reply. I don’t think strength will get good enough to have chemo now. Thank you for the food ideas I’ll have to try some of that. At the moment it’s heniz soups because it’s all he seems to manage but it’s not enough protein or calories. My dad is 65 x

  • I'm very sorry to read about your Dad's illness. My husband was really enjoying Solero ice lollies and different ice creams before he started chemo. Can't always eat these now due to cold sensitivity. The meal supplements that the nutritionist gave him help, too.Fortisips? 300 cals per bottle. Also adding protein powder into anything that can be consumed and stay down is a good way to increase calories. 

    Sending best wishes to help you deal with this terrible situation x

  • Thank you for your reply. He has some power shakes from the hospital and has found adding half a bottle of protein is helping them go down easier. It’s definitely a challenge and sending you my wishes too 

  • Thank you, Toni15. Early on in the journey for my husband. Reading everyone's experiences is a real help for me, getting a better idea of the potential challenges. It's also just so reassuring to know that we're not alone x

  • Hi just saw your post .

    I’m currently trying to gain weight after treatment 

    I’m not sure how easy it is for your dad to swallow but I’ve been putting mixed seeds in stews and soups . They are calorifically dense and hot food will soften them but smaller seeds are best 

    also try adding ground powdered nuts to yogurts etc for the same reason . 

  • Thank you I will try that, that’s a really good idea. Sending my love for your journey 

  • There can be a good source of calories that I was told about and that’s fortysips frozen on a lollipop stick and eat them. Not only do you get the calories but the cold soothes too