Brother awaiting diagnosis

  • 25 replies
  • 66 subscribers

Hi. I am returning to this online forum after about 14 years (husband died 2010  - duodenal cancer)

My brother had an endoscopy ten days ago after presenting with chest and back pains and suffering with acid reflux caused by hiatus hernia. He started to bleed during the endoscopy so was hospitalised for a few days. They took biopsies after the camera showed a 7cm growth. He has had a CT scan and is now awaiting results. From conversations, the medical team are almost certain it is cancer. He has been put on Omeprazole but is having bad side effects from the medication, mainly chest pains.

My brother is two months away from retiring so all their plans are now on hold. I need to be able to support him and my sister-in-law as best as I can - she is not in the best of health, she no longer drives and their house is going to be difficult for him to navigate whist he recovers from surgery/treatment. We also lost our sister to ovarian cancer 6 months ago so this is now devastating the remaining family, which is basically the three of us. I live about 150 miles away so it is very difficult to support them daily, although I will go up there to help as much as I can.

I just need some direction as to who/where they can go for practical help and support. He is an Army veteran and I looked at SSAFA but not sure how they can help. Any ideas anyone? Also, anyone gone through similar during endoscopy and this size of tumour? Is this operable? 

  • Thank you. I have details for SAAFA and a few other organisations. 

  • That’s good, my friend was so grateful for the support she got (& still gets).  SAAFA sorted a custom recliner for her and they helped with getting her bathroom changed to include a walk in shower and that has made a huge difference. I hope there are things they can do for your brother that will help. x

  • That's good to know , thank you for your thoughts. 

  • We were at an event at the weekend - there was a SAAFA stand there and I chatted to the gentleman running it about my friend’s gratitude. I mentioned you (obviously in general terms) and he said please tell him to contact us, I’m sure we will be able to help in some way.  
    I hope you are getting help and support from as many sources as possible to enable you to be as comfortable as you can be.

    (My husband had OC, diagnosed in 2008).

  • Thank you. I got in touch with SAAFA last week and passed on details to my sister - in - law so when they have more of an idea of what help they might need they can contact them directly. SAAFA also said to contact Veteran's Gateway. Macmillan are sorting out a Blue Badge for him. He sees the oncologist this week and has had a closed stent fitted. He is finding the pain hard to manage but his GP is in almost daily contact with him on this. In spite of it all, he remains in good spirits. We are a family of fighters and do not give up easily. I also sent him details of one of the surgeons who featured on the TV in Super Surgeons who is a specialist in oesophagul and other gastric cancers who carries out cyber knife surgery. If this is the last chance saloon, can't hurt to ask if he can be referred.