Brother awaiting diagnosis

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  • 66 subscribers

Hi. I am returning to this online forum after about 14 years (husband died 2010  - duodenal cancer)

My brother had an endoscopy ten days ago after presenting with chest and back pains and suffering with acid reflux caused by hiatus hernia. He started to bleed during the endoscopy so was hospitalised for a few days. They took biopsies after the camera showed a 7cm growth. He has had a CT scan and is now awaiting results. From conversations, the medical team are almost certain it is cancer. He has been put on Omeprazole but is having bad side effects from the medication, mainly chest pains.

My brother is two months away from retiring so all their plans are now on hold. I need to be able to support him and my sister-in-law as best as I can - she is not in the best of health, she no longer drives and their house is going to be difficult for him to navigate whist he recovers from surgery/treatment. We also lost our sister to ovarian cancer 6 months ago so this is now devastating the remaining family, which is basically the three of us. I live about 150 miles away so it is very difficult to support them daily, although I will go up there to help as much as I can.

I just need some direction as to who/where they can go for practical help and support. He is an Army veteran and I looked at SSAFA but not sure how they can help. Any ideas anyone? Also, anyone gone through similar during endoscopy and this size of tumour? Is this operable? 

  • I am T2/3. Thanks for the sage advice as really it's only the wonderful participants on here that I trust to give it! I will have that frank discussion with my MDT after the results are in to decide which way to go.

    Cheera and Good Luck!


  • Hi, 

    Your team will guide you, I was T3/4 N2 M0, so I was lucky to be offered the op. I know some people from our local support group who were T1/2, N-0 they  just had the Op, no chemo and are 8yrs/15yrs post Op. 

    Take care Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Hi, once you have some more answers please contact SSAFA.  I have a close friend who has cancer and she has had so much practical help from them, they really have been good to her.

    I’m sorry your family has been through so much and I hope your brother doesn’t have to wait too long for the results - as others have said he should definitely go for the PET scan. 

  • Thank you. I have spoken with my sister in law and brother today. Confirmed cancer has spread to lungs and liver and is inoperable. He is having a stent put in his oesophagus to help him with eating then chemo. He is fit for his age and strong but they are saying it might only be months. We all sort of expected it to be bad but not this bad. 

  • So terribly sorry to hear that. This is such awful news for you all to process. 

  • Oh Artemisia, I am so very sorry to hear this bad news. We try to fill this forum as much as possible with success stories, positivity and progress but we are all most painfully aware that there are many whose stories are not successful and that their sad news could just as easily have been our own as none of us are completely “out of the woods” yet. I send you and your family my sincere thoughts as you navigate the difficult times ahead. CB

  • Thank you. I still have some hope. You have to, don't you. His GP surgery have failed him. Took him over 3 months to get referred for an endoscopy. Above everything I think he is angry because of this right now.

  • I can only imagine how angry he is and I'm sure all of you are. Can he have immunotherapy?

  • I’m really sorry the results were such a shock, we all try to stay so positive and it’s hard hearing bad news.  
    I’ll try to get the contact details for SAAFA for you, they might be able to help with a few practical things to keep your brother as comfortable as possible. All kind thoughts coming the way of you and your family x