hi, new here

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  • 74 subscribers


I am not too sure how this all works as I'm very new to this.

My grandad has just been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes. I'm not too sure what to do, I've always thought he would live forever, and I never knew a world without him could exist.

He's not able to eat anything at all, and it's making him so miserable living off the shakes the hospital gives him, I'm not sure if anyone knows of anything we can do to help him? or any alternatives we can try just to get him something savoury.

This was my first sort of thought when I'd finally got home, I just want to help him. 

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry you have had to reach out on this site. However, there is so many wonderful and brave people on this site who can hopefully help with advice and support. 

    Have you tried like sloppy foods? Soups, custards, mash and gravy, jelly, rice pudding, anything that crumbles on the tongue or dissolves is worth a try. I know the shakes can be tough going for quite a few people but there are alternatives out there. 

    Sending love and hugs, Kayleigh x

  • Have you spoken to your granddad's Oncology team.There should be a dietitian who can give you advice.HeartPray

  • Hello 

    Sorry that your Grandad is having a tough time, I had to use the shakes for nearly 2 months. I also ate soups, if the soup had bits I liquidized them. Porridge or wheatbix for breakfast. 
    Is your Grandad being offered Chemo? 
    Contact the team dietitian 

    Also contact your local Macmillan team as they are a wealth of information that can support your Grandad and you. 

    Best wishes Jennie Sparkles