Starting 4 weeks of radiotherapy for CA Oesophagus for my 86 yr old Mum

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My mum has just been diagnosed with CA oesophagus,no spread.Not fit enough for surgery or chemo but has been offered curative radiotherapy.Had a mapping appointment this week and waiting to hear a sPrayrt date for 4 weeks of radiotherapy.Anyone in a similar position or a few weeks ahead for any tips ? Thank you in advance Pray

  • Hi Narnie, 

    Sorry to hear about your mum, my dad is currently having 30 sessions of radiotherapy for oesophageal cancer - they were reluctant to do chemo due to his age (he’s 77)

    He is currently on session number 6 and is coping fine, from what I’ve read the side effects start after week 2. I wish your mum the best.