Esophageal cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 74 subscribers

I have recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer I am very undecided about which treatment to have I would like to hear from anybody that has had the treatment under and aesthetic and had the food tube removed and resectioned from the stomach to the throat what I want to know is what is recovery state like does it take a long time are you kept in hospital along time do you have any help when you go home to recover I am a 77 year old lady live on my own.

Can anyone who has been through this helped me out as I think I am going to refuse this operation and have the camera in the throat operation to remove any cancer cells I don't even know what stage my cancer is at I keep asking and they tell me that they can't stage it because there's not enough cancer cells so I assume that it's not too bad as yet please somebody can you give me some advice .

this is the third time in three years I have been diagnosed with cancer I have had non Hodgkins lymphoma and also I have a tumor which I have had radiotherapy for in my lung and it's been reduced in size

  • Hi Mo Maria, a sad but genuine welcome to the forum. I have had Oesophageal cancer and been treated with chemo, an operation to remove and more chemo. At the moment I'm doing well.

    I hope your intervention is minimal. I don't know if I could have managed on my own. It's quite a tough and long journey of about ten months.

    Please click on my name and read my profile which will show you my cancer journey.

    Good luck

    Best regards


  • Hello Momaria,

    Thank you for finding the courage to post here and reach out, you are very welcome and I hope that you will find some support throughout this website. 

    I imagine, that with your previous cancer battles you are already experienced in the goings on behind the scenes, I hope that knowledge is in some way helping you at the difficult time. 

    With regards to information on the surgery, this is not an area that I can help with, but there are many here who are able to share their experience with you, so I am sure you will have more answers to follow. 

    Alongside this forum, you can visit HERE, This forum is specifically for surgical advise and discussion, so you may find others who will be able to give you some pointers. 

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you ongoing success at beating this blasted disease. 


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    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • Hello

    I also had non Hodgkins lymphoma 30 years ago.  My oncologist stated that he believes the block radiotherapy I received to treat that cancer is the reason I have this cancer now.  What they used then, has caused this. I can't help but flit between the thoughts if well I've had another 30 years so they did a good job to anger I wasn't warned this may happen.  Its very frustrating.  I am not your typical oesophageal cancer sufferer, I am 53, female, fit and looked after myself.

    If you want to read what path I took for treatment you can see it in my bio.   Click on the little icon by my name. I'm not saying what treatment I had is right for you but look around, look at the trials, gather all the evidence first, then decide. I wish I had.  I am on palliative care but that doesn't mean I've given up.  I'm still fighting and still looking for new trials or ways I can beat this flippin thing.

    Good luck
