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  • 70 subscribers

Hi my dad was diagnosed nearly a year ago and in November was given six months he lives in Scotland but lost his wife in September 2023 so we managed to get him home for Christmas but he seems to be deteriorating how do I get him to be seen where I live as he has had all his treatments in Scotland I feel lost don’t know where to start as he wants to go home but he has no support in Scotland and selfishly I want him here with his family 

  • Hi ..This is only a suggestion off the top of my head ..I would have a word with your GP to explain the situation ..Maybe under the circumstances they could take your Dad on as a patient and request his records be sent over from his current GP ..Also contact your Dad’s current GP and explain to them too ..I’m sure under the circumstances they could help in some way .

    Hope you sort matters out soon ..

    regards J 

  • Hello Newbie

    Are you able to give the Macmillan Team a call, they are all over the country and will be able to provide advice, their number is in my signature. 


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
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