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Hi New to all this. Diagnosed with suspected tumor after endoscopy 19 March This was confirmed after a CT scan on 1st April.Since then I have had a PET Scan on 13 April and a second Endoscopy on 27th April I spoke to a doctor on 11th April but still have not seen a consultant or been informed of any treatment plan I am really struggling with stress and anxiety about the future I was told at the last endoscopy that I have a 6cm tumor at 30cms which sounds large to me. All I read is that early diagnosis and treatment is paramount but it is now 7 weeks since my first diagnosis. My sister in law, a breast cancer sufferer, coined the phrase Scanxiety. I am really suffering from that!

  • Best wishes to the both of you

  • Into cycle 4 All much the same now quite routine. Feel tired but anti sickness and steroids keeping worst side effects at bay. They run out tomorrow so expecting a few rough days next week. Had my first scan on Monday but oncologist said the results are taking up to 6 weeks. More scanxiety!! All in all I feel better than expected and no new problems since treatment started and I am getting better at managing it all. Enjoying the good 10 days or so before each new cycle begins. Hope all is well with you all

  • So pleased the treatment is going well and best wishes for the next few weeks. I have just had a CT scan and am waiting for the results on Monday. They are then going to decide on the next course of treatment. Feeling anxious of course but it has been nice feeling relatively well these last few weeks and getting out and about. Our daughter is getting married 2 weeks today so I have to be well for that! All the best to you. 

  • Thanks Nan Good luck with scan results and whatever enjoy the wedding I guess that was one of your goals when first diagnosed Be sure to set the next one Enjoy x

  • Had my scan results today and fortunately they show very little change. No sign of spread. Going to have some radiotherapy in a couple of weeks to help with swallowing. It was an anxious morning and not helped by having to wait an hour for my appointment!! Feeling relieved and determined to enjoy every day while this lasts! 

  • Good news, enjoy xx