Vomiting a week after chemo

  • 3 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all had my last FLOT last Thursday very few side effects but Wednesday night started vomiting never had this before when I take the Metoclopramide comes straight back up ! Is this the chemo or am I back to square one where everything comes back up ? Suggestions please!

  • I can’t answer your question Tricia but just wanted to say I’m so sorry this is happening now. Have you contacted the helpline or your GI nurses yet? Fingers crossedFingers crossed it doesn’t last long. 
    G xx

  • Thanks G no I haven’t as yet it’s one of those things that you hope will settle down ! It seems to come and go fine all day yesterday until the evening thought would be ok this morning to have a bit of breakfast but no ! Chemo does strange things ! When does Chris have his CT scan seem to remember it was before his last chemo ! 

  • Chris has only had fleeting bouts of nausea and hasn’t been sick but Ondansetron is the drug he was given. He takes it the day after chemo. My friend with breast cancer swore by it as she had terrible nausea during chemo cycles. It did cause constipation though. 
    Chris has a ct scan after last chemo on 15 February. 
    Geraldine xx