Pain when using JeJ feeding tube

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Not using the feeding tube for feeds anymore but I flush it every morning and use a prosorce for protein. Had a dull pain below feeding tube on Saturday but on Sunday morning when I came to flush it I had terrific pain and had to abort mission. Called emergency line and asked to go in blood urine stats tested all good given a stool softener expecting to see nutricia nurse today ! Has anybody else experienced this and what was the outcome please ?

  • I don’t have any experience to offer Tricia but sending best wishes and hoping it can be resolved quickly for you 

    Geraldine x

  • Thank you Geraldine thank goodness it’s surplus to requirements at the moment ! Hope your both doing ok and the neuropathy is better for the time being Grimacing

    tricia x

  • We are doing ok thanks. Neuropathy fades as the days go on as do the other side effects. He had pain and felt awful on day 2 whilst the pump was still going and likewise after the jabs ….. it all paGrinninges and is maneagable but will likely be worse on next cycle. You are coming up to your last dose and then full steam ahead to the op GrinningGrinning ?
    Chris has just had a CT scan appointment for day 3 of cycle 4. I think they may have forgotten his one week delay Thinking Xx

    G xx

  • My CT scan is two weeks today 3rd Feb at south Bristol so hope all ok (well I know it must have shrunk at I can now eat ! ) thank goodness as unsure what’s happened to this feeding tube ! Then hopefully surgery in March fingers crossed 

    Tricia x

  • All looks positive …. must be wonderful to be able to eat again even if carefully. I really hope they can sort your tube out and let you escape soon Fingers crossedFingers crossed

  • Hi Tricia,

    I can’t offer any advice here I was fortunate enough to never have any problems with my JEJ tube. Mine was inserted during my surgery as I was still able to eat before it (although chemo did play havoc with my desire to do so!). I know they can become clogged sometimes, especially if you are putting dissolved medications through them, and I was given a declogger just in case. Never had to use it. Hope you get it sorted soon. CB

  • Thanks CB waiting for call back from GI nurse Nutricia didn’t think it was something she could help with (thought not ) taking paracetamol for dull ache so no urgency but obviously not right ! We will see !!


  • Are you in Southmead or back home ? 
    G x

  • I’m home went to BHOC yesterday but they didn’t keep me in as no problem with my bloods etc so chemo should still go ahead on Thursday! Ruth called back is going to talk to one of the GI team and get back to me ! 

  • Ok so turns out feeding tube had become dislodged not sure how but is been removed and I get to spend a night in the BRI  but this time I will get to taste the food ! Not sure if that’s good or not we will see lol 

    but chemo can still go ahead on Thursday!!

    Take care Tricia x