Does this often happen?

  • 4 replies
  • 53 subscribers

My husband is a week on from his second FLOT which was delayed after low neutrophils. He’s using the four self jabs now.
He has always been able to eat even though it was difficult at times. After the first cycle he felt a general improvement in swallowing and was hoping for more improvement after the second but that hasn’t really happened in fact he thinks yesterday it was a bit worse with some pain which he described as around the tumour. He’s also coughing a great deal with a lot of phlegm. Have others experienced the same sort of pattern?
FLOT side effects have so far been very unpleasant at times but generally maneagable.

Thank you so much for all the support  and advice here.


  • Hi Geraldine 

    sorry to hear Chris is still having problems I didn’t really see any improvement in my eating until after my second session and am still very careful, I tend to get a pain in the back of my throat if I eat something that I don’t think is going to go down and abort the mission ! It’s so hard to describe to another person the feeling you get. my throat feels furry and my tongue feels rough ! 
    it’s like being on a rollercoaster sending him my sympathy but we will get through this ! Oh and I’m very tetchey I love my husband dearly and he’s been so good but he’s driving me mad at the moment and it’s not him it’s me !,

    tricia x

  • Chris is the same …… neuropathy seemed much better so he took the dog for a short walk and regretted it ….. fog and cold wind so his hands and face were painful despite being covered. I got my head bitten off for trying to help when he got back ….. it’s not me it’s him JoyJoy

  • Haha yes it’s great fun WearyThink they should keep all us chemo patients together so we can fight it out and send our partners on a well deserved break Joy