New date

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So having seen the consultant today and gone through all the scary info regarding surgery, it’s been bought forward to the 17th Jan - ong that’s a week on Friday! Feeling anxious and afraid of what’s in store, not just the huge op but the recovery and finding the new normal.

scary times a head I feel x

  • What operation are you having?

  • Hi 

    I’m having an oesophagectomy. 

  • Hi Sarah 

    hope all goes well hoping to have my op in March think I’m a bit strange as can’t wait to get it done and would be so excited if it was bought forward ! Another step along the way ! 
    but that’s just me as I say I’m a bit strange lol think being in hospital for all of October helps as I know the ward and staff etc and I know they are fantastic! 
    Wishing you all the best take care Tricia 

  • Hi Tricia how is your chemo going? Chris coped ok with cycle 1 but 2 was postponed til this week ….. low neutrophils for him too. Musgrove on Thursday if bloods ok . 

  • Hi Geraldine

    Going well thanks eating a lot more now so cut night feeds (sounds like a baby ) bloods today and if all of third chemo on Thursday at BHOC have to inject myself for 5 days after chemo now but have got used to that amazing what you can do if you have too!

    hope all goes well for Chris on Thursday 

    big hugs 

    Tricia x

  • Hi Tricia

    it’s definitely another step along the way for sure. I think it just felt a bit overwhelming yesterday I knew already what it involved just hearing it out loud was a bit daunting. They keep telling me I’ve got this and that I’m young enough and fit enough to deal with it all, and I’m definitely positive that Tommy the tumour will be gone.

    wishing you all the best on your journey too 

    Sarah x

  • Yes it can be daunting I was lucky that when I was in the BRI for a month having all the tests and being fed as nothing could get past the tumour it was all explained to me so it has had time to sink in ! Think there are several ways they do it but mine is going to be traditional open surgery which I think is the question BB was asking as he had a Ivor Lewis ! 

    take care Tricia x

  • Hi Sarah,

    Believe me, feeling anxious and afraid are perfectly normal reactions when faced with this daunting procedure. You just have to put your faith and trust in your consultant and their surgical team and know that you are in good hands and that, while the recovery may be long and hard, there are good days ahead. This time last year, I had just had my 2nd pre-op FLOT and was already getting anxious about what lay ahead for me. Last FLOT was on 31st Jan and, two weeks later, I was informed that my surgery would be on 29th Feb. The last two weeks of February are a bit of a blur as all I could think about was the impending operation. Now, nearly one year later, I’m thinking about my upcoming South America cruise and commemorating my surgery anniversary date (well, the 28th Feb) in Chile. Good luck to you. CB

  • Yep, mine is defo open surgery Tricia xx

  • That’s absolutely brilliant CB you are certainly an inspiration for sure. 
    we are at the point of thinking holiday by the end of this year, giving ourselves something to aim for, and I could certainly do with some sunshine

    sarah x