Happy Christmas

  • 3 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all

I just wanted to say happy Christmas to all

I posted a few days ago about my husband who has stage 4 oesophageal and liver cancer.

2 rounds of chemotherapy and immunotherapy brutal round 3 on New Year’s Eve.

My husband turned 60 in July and we were about to start our retirement together.

Appetite is zero weight now 8 stone 2 and very tired.

Its getting harder each day to see him weaker and weaker.

Thank you 

  • Hi 

    sorry to hear this do you have a cancer nurse who could put you in touch with a dietitian as it sounds like he needs feeding with a tube and pump ?

    Sending hugs Tricia 

  • deffo what tricia says, i went to 6stone 8, different staging so had jpeg feeding tube when had laparoscopy, but its all i use now for meds and my calories.  please reach out to your team that you should have, and please please always post on here, plenty of people that in no way shape or form want to be in this club, but we all are, wether the person with cancer, the lovely person like yourself, dealing with it from another angle, youll only get support, honest advice, and love from us lot

    jules xx

  • hi jules

    Happy Christmas to you and hubby just had a bowl of soup today so chemo must be shrinking the little b***er

    sending hugs stay strong

    tricia x