Pet scan results

  • 7 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi, so after what has felt like the longest wait ever my dad has finally got his pet scan results. It was originally thought the cancer started in his oesophagus but the pet scan seems to indicate it has started right at the top of his stomach and has moved up into his oesophagus. There is no signs of it in any other organs or lymph nodes. I’m not sure what this means in regards to staging/treatment. If anyone has had a similar experience or can offer any insight I would really appreciate it x

  • Hi 

    My husband’s  tumour was in the junction between his oesophagus and stomach so when he had surgery he had two thirds of his oesophagus removed and a section of his stomach. I think after your Dad’s laparoscopy it will all become much clearer as to which treatment plan his medical team will opt for .

    I know it’s difficult as from experience I know the waiting for results from different tests and procedures is an awful time .

    Hope your Dad is on his treatment plan soon 

    Sending you strength and hope 

  • Hi J, thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It sounds like my dad’s is in a very similar position to your husband so hoping surgery is still an option. You’re right the waiting is endless. You get over one hurdle then on to the next. Just need to ride the wave x

  • Hello Gracie. 

    If the cancer is located at the GOJ, and it hasn't spread further, I would expect the treatment pathway to be the same. It was a gastrointestinal surgeon we first saw after the CT scan and we wrongly assumed when Rod got that appointment that he'd be having the Ivor Lewis procedure that many on here describe. However, the spread was outside of a 10cm radius, so the surgeon delivered the blow that his cancer is incurable. This was confirmed by the oncologist 3 days later but, chink of hope, it's treatable. 

    I hope your Dad is one of the luckier ones whose cancer treatment is curative rather than palliative.

    I have everything crossed for him,

    Lorraine x

  • Hi Lorraine thanks for replying. This is my main concern now, I’m guessing they don’t know the size until they do the laparoscopy? They’ve mentioned the Ivor Lewis when discussing the plan they hope to follow but I know nothing is set in stone and things can change the further down the line we get. The diagnosis stage seems to last forever. I’m so sorry surgery wasn’t an option for your husband, I hope his treatment is going well so far x

  • Thank you, Gracie. The scan after his 4th cycle showed a 50% reduction in all tumours. Hoorah! Next scan is on 21st. Having heard about the many after effects and possible complications of the surgery, Rod thinks that maybe surgery would have been worse for him. 

    We remain hopeful that his treatment gains him at least a couple more years.


  • That’s amazing news! Hoping for the same results throughout the rest of his treatment. And I hope you guys are able to enjoy Christmas as best as possible xxx

  • Thank you, Gracie. You too xxx