First FLOT tomorrow

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First of 4 FLOT cycles tomorrow bit like stepping into the unknown but has to be done ! First steroid taken (why do we have to take them ?) Plan is to have two before Christmas so hoping I might get a bowl of soup by Christmas but we will see !Any advice welcome !

  • Some of the side effects can be helped with medication, if you're suffering then please do call up the hospital, you should be given a number and tell them and they can advise what can help. My dad really struggled with nausea and sickness and changing his anti sickness medication half way through really helped him. 

    Be aware of getting infections, my dad had an infection from reduced white blood cells caused by the chemo, so he would take his temp at least daily as this is often the first sign. And sign of infection you need to contact the hospital asap and they will advise. He ended up being in for 5 days and now has injections after each chemo session to prevent this happening again. 

    Might be worth keeping a side effect diary, my dad is currently on round 3 of his post op chemo and it's been really useful comparing to last time round.

    I wish you the very best, it's been incredibly difficult watching my dad go through it and suffer from it, I can't imagine what it feels like for the person doing it. 

  • Thank you for that keeping a diary is a good idea ! Lovely that your dad has your love and support xx

  • Hi,

    I had my first FLOT on 13th December last year and, within days, noticed an improvement in my swallowing ability to the extent that I actually able to eat my dinner on Christmas Day without it having to be liquidised. Can’t remember what the steroids were for but I was also given a syringe to inject into my stomach two days after each infusion to boost white blood cells. 

  • Hey there Dibden

    I found the steroids the best part of the treatment tbh! They give you bags of energy but their main role is to aid the nausea and vomiting that can occur (tbh I think the majority just get the nausea NOT vomiting) Like CB my eating improved dramatically after my first dose to the extent I could even eat bread again (which had been my nemesis before chemo) Get in there and zap that uninvited guest into oblivion! 


  • Wishing you all the best for your treatment. I bought an ear thermometer for my husband because he was advised that infection would be the greatest risk. Fortunately, 5 cycles in, he's managed to avoid any cuts, grazes or sores becoming infected. He has also had a port fitted to replace the PICC line and this will also reduce the risk of infection. I was a bit paranoid at first, getting anti-bac spray and wipes for the bathroom, changing the bedding more frequently, etc. We've become more relaxed about it now, not complacent though.

    Best wishes,


  • Wow we can only hope have a jej at the moment so a cup of the would be amazing

    thanks tricia

  • Thanks !, was wondering about the nausea as only bring up saliva and bile at the moment and that’s if I drink a small amount of water ! Good to know what the steroids are for funny enough I do seem to have more energy today !, 

    Always good to hear from you and CB you’ve both bern there done that bought the tee shirt lol 

    thanks Tricia 

  • Thanks Lorraine 

    I have heard about a port but not sure what’s involved I always loved swimming but told I can’t with the picc line in. ??

    thanks Tricia 

  • Yes I've got a PICC line and swimming is a no-no, I just had baths with my arm hanging outside! I think a Port enables swimming but it's an actual operation to have one and I didn't like swimming THAT much tbh! Lol

  • Recommend one of these to keep PICC dry while showering. Not me in the photo - alas! Lol