Symptoms getting worse

  • 17 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi everyone,

So I posted a few days ago about my very good friend being diagnosed. He has his scan next week when we will see what stage it is. My worry is that he seems to be in a lot of pain and it has got worse over the last week. The doctor has just prescribed him co-codamol but I am not sure it’s strong enough? Can anyone advise what medication he should be on? I feel like it is getting worse over the last week and I’m so worried. 

  • Hi Butterfly if the meds don’t work get in to the hospital nursing team or ring the doctors again and one may prescribe something stronger. I know what the worry is like so big hugs to you Fingers crossed

    • Thank you I shall do that if these don’t work. Blush
  • He should have a clinical nurse specialist who is coordinating his diagnosis. She/he will I amsure in conjunction with the oncologist be able to sort out his medication. I had half a pharmacy  of various pain killers prescribed including oral morphine. 

  • We found out the diagnosis last Thursday and have not heard anything since other than his scan date. Should I call the doctor or the hospital he had the endoscopy with? He has not mentioned a clinical nurse 

  • Ring the hospital and ask for the nurse practitioner for Upper GI patients. I think most of these cancer treatment hospitals are set up in the same way. Otherwise try for the secretary in Oncology to find out the right route into the hospital for such enquiries.

  • Thank you for replying Anglars I will do that 

  • Hi Butterfly 77

    i was having pain I spoke to my specialist nurse at the hospital and she prescribed Oramorph which I use when the pain is bad .


  • Thank you Jayne. I hope your recovery is going well. We are just waiting for the CT scan and I am so worried 

  • Hi Butterfly77

    Your friend hasn’t yet seen the oncologist just waiting for their scan. I was already receiving treatment when I was prescribed my oral morph . But keep on with co-codamol they may take a few days to build up in the body to ease the pain.  If not talk to the Doctor perhaps they will change them. I had pain in the back  of shoulders and stomach I also used a hot water bottle I found that helped


    • Thank you Jayne. He has pain on the right side under the ribs and shoulder pain. He has started the co Codomol today so I hope that starts to help. What was your diagnosis if you don’t mind me asking? I hope treatment is going well for you xx