gas round the oesophageal tumour, now ct scan needed and revision of treatment plan????

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  • 51 subscribers

so leaving radiotherapy today, was there an hour as we get in early, random call asking us if we arent at the hospital, can we come back.!!  no sorry

we need to do a ct scan as there is gas round where we are treating you, are you having a big meal 2 hours before treatment, erm no, i have a j peg, nil by mouth for food, so no.  i would need to be attached to the pmp at 3 am for 300 caloriessurprise, on end of phone, called back to confirm not a rig/peg into the stomach no, surprised i had chemo yesterday, surprised i had breast cancer this year with masectomy so only can use my left arm which after chemo cannula isnt the best state today.  are you eating ok, no thats why i am on a j peg and 6 stone 9,

is it gas, i have no wind or burping, can they see its spread, or got bigger what the hell is going on, that question was swerved nicely, had similar situation, arrived 10 to 8 to have review meeting at 8.10, no one showed, had my zap 40 minutes later, still no one, left, call to say you should have waited we need to review you, sorry was in there for a good hour showing checked in, and some people still need to work. so frustrating

so anxious now,  asked specialist nurse to see if they can clarify what the hell has brought this on, any one else had gas issue round the tumour??

thank you for the hand hold such a vague call has really worried me, im supposed to finish all this on 29th next week

  • Hi W1cky

    You have had exactly the same journey has me i had  breast cancer , mastectomy radiotherapy and two months later found out I had oesophageal cancer I had the same problem with gas on my first radiotherapy session , they took me off the machine and I had to wait for the radiologist to speak to my oncologist who decided I had to drink another 200ml of water I carried on doing that throughout my treatment.. they never did  explain  anything to me about the gas that was there 

  • thanks janey M1, ive had 17 sessions, its mad, and swallowing a cup of water before going in is hard, but thanks for the heads up, will say what they say

    ta jules

  • so after stressing so much all day yesterday and leaving quite an anxious message for the specialist nurses, got a late call to say dont worry we have looked at your notes, etc and we dont need to do the ct scan or change anything, we will see you as normal tomorrow, christ its just more anxiety after anxiety, just broke down in the stairwell on the way to radiotherapy this morning, just in case they changed it again, zapped and then went, didnt even have the strength to ask the nurse that called what the hell was that about, just got back in the car and cried.  need to find those big girl pants that people keep going on about, god knows when. Disappointed relieved

  • I'm glad they told you there's nothing to worry about but sad that you had to worry before being told not to worry. Just a thought: big, girl-pants or big-girl pants??? I'm not a fan, either way. Why should anyone have to suppress how they're really feeling about all this, as long as it's not hurting anyone. Better out than in! Heart️Heart️