SABR Radiotherapy

  • 6 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Last year I was successfully treated for oesophageal cancer with FLOT chemo and surgery. After a period of recovery and feeling quite well I started to get a bit of discomfort in my chest. As we all do,  I immediately thought cancer. After a CT, PET-CT and an EBUS, I was told today that it was another cancer. They have found a small nodule of about 1cm near my lung and trachea. Due to its position it is not deemed to be operable as doing that would cause more harm than good.  However,  they have put me forward for a radiotherapy treatment called SABR. It is quite new (2021) and targets the cancer from various angles all at once. I'm hopeful that I will be selected but have to wait to find out.

  • Hi GeoFerret. Lovely to hear from you again but so sorry to read of your recent diagnosis. The worry and anxiety over the past few weeks must have been difficult for you, especially as you are still getting over the operation from last year. Fingers crossed you are selected for the Radiotherapy treatment. Hope you are able to get out and about. Take care, Julie

  • Hi Geoferret,

    Sorry to read your news that the cancer has returned.

    I hope you get selected for radiotherapy.

    You have been through it once you can do it again Muscle

    Stay strong


  • Hi GeoFerret,

    It’s been a while and I had happily considered you to have been one of the success stories. Do sorry to hear your news but its good that your cancer team have put you forward for this new treatment. We’re all rooting for you. CB

  • We will stay positive Geo and get through this a second time Heart️xx

  • Hi Geoferret

    I'm so sorry to hear you have another cancer. Thus is pants! I was so pleased for you last year with your success treatment of OC. Sadly I don't know anything about thus treatment but I hope it all goes well.

    Take care

  • Hi GeoFerret

    So very sorry to hear you're facing this dratted disease again. I followed you closely on here, as you were only a little way ahead of me, and truly thought you would be lucky and be healthy afterwards. What a terrible shock to face again, I feel for you, I really do. It's what we all fear. 

    I've just read up on the radiotherapy you mention, and it does look good and positive. Really hoping that's what you'll get, and you receive A* care throughout.

    Wishing you all the very best, and definitely rooting and praying for you. You can do this! One day at a time, you'll get through it again.