Hello everyone

  • 4 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Dad was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer last month, at the end of July we found out it was terminal.  He had a stent fitted two weeks ago, but now has back pain, has anyone had this.

dad cannot have any treatment due to a major heart attack 4 years ago, he’s 75

  • Hi Macdawn,

    Sorry to hear this sad diagnosis. I’m not sure about the causes of the back pain but I presume his health team are at least giving him painkillers for it? CB

  • Hi 

    I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through this. I'm sure it's devastating.  As CB said his team should be able to help with. I'm sure you're all still stunned but his medical team should be able to help. Call them when you need to. I know I certainly called the oncology nurses on my team eith questions. I know others on here have described back pain but I can't remember much more than that. Hopefully someone mote knowledgeable will respond. 

    Take care

  • The oesphagusus tumour can press on nerves and cause back pain, so can any secondary tumours.

    As already stated, pain relief should help. I suffer from back pain and have found that oxycodone and amitriptyline help.

  • My husband was diagnosed Dec 23 and has had bad back pain throughout, it's the pressure of the tumour pressing on the nerve/bone, he takes slow release morphine and oramorph for the pain but most days it doesn't touch the pain.

    So sorry your dad can't have treatment.