Next treatment

  • 10 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all

Got to hospital today only to be told treatment is not starting until September 9th.

Bit disappointed as had a blood test yesterday in preparation. I guess these things happen as the cancer wards are so busy with a lot of people needing treatment.

It is what it is just have to start the fight back in just under 2 weeks. Staying positive we are all in this together 

Dean x

  • Hi Dean 

    Such a disappointment especially when you build yourself up in anticipation and the need  to just get on with it .Lets hope there’s no more delays for you and many others too . 

    Hope all goes well 

    regards J 

  • Hi JPM

    Yes it is disappointing as was fully prepared to start. It's because there are so many people who need treatment and sometimes there is a breakdown in communication 

    Booked in for the 9th September so not too long to wait

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Dean 

    That's very frustrating and disappointing for you as you'd got yourself psyched up for it. 

    Hopefully it'll all go to plan on Sept 9th. 

    Take care,


  • Hi Amanda 

    Yes not the best news this morning. The cancer wards are so busy now and sometimes people make mistakes. It was my prescription for the chemo/ immunotherapy that was done today, but no one told us this till we got down to hospital.

    Sept 9th should be ok 

    Have to say positive , hope you are doing ok

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Dean. I think we all understand how disappointed you must have been today. You (and your family) get in the mindset to accept treatment. It’s so difficult. Hope you can occupy yourself until the 9th and also hoping that you are otherwise feeling okay. Keep strong. Julie 

  • Hi Julie

    Yes it was disappointing but so many people are needing treatment and mistakes do happen. It was the chemo/ immunotherapy drugs that were requested today and somebody misread it as treatment starting.

    It's only 2 weeks that will go quickly 

    Thanks for your message hope you are doing ok 

    Best wishes 


  • Twice I went for chemo but was turned away, but that was due to my white blood count been so low. Back in a week later, so I feel your pain. But in my case better to be safe than sorry.

    stay strong 

    steve x

  • Hi Steve

    It was just one of those things today. They are only human and mistakes are made sometimes. It was just a mix up and the drugs were not there anyway.

    It's only 2 weeks, staying positive 

    Best wishes to you 


  • Hi Dean, sorry to hear that, it must be very frustrating, but I am sure the 9th will be here before you know it. At least you have a few days you can - perhaps - make thr most of.

    It appears you are not alone : I had my initial chemo meeting mid-August, however it is not scheduled to start until mid-September. I am hoping for a cancellation, but no joy so far. 5 weeks is a real nuisance and my symptoms are worsening.

  • Hi

    Yes it is frustrating and this is my second treatment having completed 7 rounds of chemo band had an op as well. You just want to get on with it don't you.

    I'm lucky and no symptoms yet but it is on my liver and near surgery site so just want to stop it spreading and I presume you are the same, in that you want to start fighting back.

    Hope you can get it arranged soon

    Best wishes 
