T4 N2 M1 Adenocarcinoma - Restaging

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  • 38 subscribers

When I got my diagnosis and staging the consultant said I would only have chemo, no surgery. I asked whether surgery might be considered later on and was told no. M1 is due to affected nodes far away from oesophagus.

I've seen some threads on here where people have had their staging reviewed after chemo and surgery has then been recommended.

How common is it to review of staging after chemo?

I've had 2 cycles of oxypilatin and capebitamine - not sure if spelling. Most people here seem to be on Flot.

I think the chemo has been working as I can swallow much better and eat some soft foods now.

No immunotherapy as my HER2 was negative.

  • Hi, my husband was originally staged with T3 N3 M0, he was offered the FLOT surgery sandwich as his M number was zero. After surgery he was re-staged to T4a N2 M0. Our surgeon said it was that surgery didn’t improve the outcome and you would go through all the surgery and recovery for no increase in life expectancy. They can sound cold when they say that, but their clinical decisions are based on hundreds, if not thousands of cases. Have you been offered immunotherapy? They should have done genetic testing to see if established drugs would be effective. It would be worth asking if they haven’t mentioned it. You can stay on that for as long as it’s working. With regard to swallowing, the chemo helped my husband eat again. There is also the option of a stent if it becomes troublesome again. I know we weren’t in the same position as you, but I hope this helps answer some points. Take care, Steph