First chemo

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  • 58 subscribers

So, 62 days since I first went to my GP because of some problems I was having with swallowing, I am finally starting my first cycle of chemo tomorrow. It’s been a busy couple of months; endoscopies, CT scan, PET scan, laparoscopy plus all the tortuous waiting in between. Had my PICC line fitted today and, in a strange way, I’m almost looking forward, after all the diagnostic procedures, to getting started on a treatment that’s actually going to do something about my cancer and, with a bit of luck, allow me to sit down and share a proper dinner with my family at Christmas. Bring it on…

  • Welcome Cool Blue, yes I was exactly the same as you feel, I had my first Chemo at this time in 2021 and it was great to feel that at last it started even though the rest was going to be gruelling to say the least.

    I found the chemo the most relaxing part of the treatment sitting there with on tap food and beverages with the close attention of everyone

    Do enjoy your Christmas Dinner and hope you have a great Christmas and that things go well in the New Year

    Take Care


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    We will move mountains to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can.
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    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

    Lead Volunteer for Hampshire MacMillan Buddy Service

  • So chemo all went fine yesterday. Just had my take home bottle detached. Only side effect so far is sensitivity to cold in my fingertips. Fingers crossed that’s it…

  • Hi Cool Blue,

    Pleased chemo delivery went well. It's quite easy sitting for hours getting your blood

    Yes fingers and feet go first. At least they did with me. Bless you I hope that's all you get, but brace

  • Hi glad everything went well unfortunately the finger tip problem will most likely remain 

    I still have that problem and also cold feet Footprints 

    stay safe and enjoy all you can 


    Community Champion Badge

    We will move mountains to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can.
    We'll do whatever it takes. For information, support or just someone to talk to,

    call 0808 808 00 00 or visit

    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

    Lead Volunteer for Hampshire MacMillan Buddy Service

  • Onto day 5 now and I think it’s safe to say that the exhaustion has well and truly kicked in. Like running into a brick wall. Just up from 12hrs in bed! Don’t think I’ve ever done that before! Also getting some stomach pain and loss of appetite. Even coffee & tea have lost their usual appeal. Am I being too optimistic to hope that these symptoms may abate in time for Christmas?

  • Hi  

    Glad your to hear your chemo went well. Brett is on day 7, he spent all of yesterday in bed and is suffering with bad diarrhoea. Really hoping he starts to pick up over the next few days so that he can enjoy Christmas. Fingers crossed your appetite is back then too! 

  • Good to hear from someone whose timescale is so close to mine. I guess I’ll just have to learn not to feel bad about taking myself off to bed in the middle of the day

  • Go to bed as much as you need to that is the sort of thing that is good for you. I wish Geo went more. We are hoping he will feel a fair bit better for Christmas but I’m not so sure he is still very up and down. Just try and feel good when you can and eat when you can the rest of the time tell yourselves how amazing you are for getting through on your cancer journey to where you are. Don’t beat yourself up ever about it you are all doing amazing xx

  • Hi Cool Blue , I’m not far behind you as I begin my chemo on the 28th . Good to make contact with people who are going through similar experiences. Hope you can enjoy some lovely Xmas food , and I love your attitude to this , I feel similar , let’s go for it.

    be tuff


  • Ok, day 10 now and I thought I’d share what I’ve learned for going into cycle 2 after Christmas;

    1. Bring a couple of pairs of gloves as the peripheral neuropathy kicks in almost immediately 

    2. First couple of days I might feel fine. Do NOT get too complacent! lol

    3. the fatigue kicks in about day 3 and is like running into a brick wall. Just go with it. Rest when I need to rest, snooze when I need to snooze and, even if I have visitors over, they will understand

    4. start taking the max dose paracetamol as soon as the back pain starts. This was the worst symptom for me and arrived with a vengeance on day 6. It was the only time I had to get my wife to contact the emergency helpline

    5. Curiously, the diarrhoea which kicked in the next day seemed to help alleviate the pain. Go figure that one out

    Armed with the above experience, I feel happier about my next chemo session on 3rd January. Onward and upward….