Tests after completion of treatments flot op flot

  • 4 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi all after completing my post op flot in July!
 Iv had  my 3 monthly ct scan with another due January but there where  no blood tests for cancer markers  ect ! 
what is everyone’s  normal post treatment procedures I would have thought that blood tests would be important to keep an eye on any irregularities , just to catch any changes early . 

  • FormerMember

    You are lucky you get regular scans. Depending on where you are in the country they just meet with you and wait for symptoms to show up before scanning for any return of the tumour. Hopefully the scans will give you peace of mind. 

  • For my partner no blood tests either, just a phone call every few months, 1 year face to face app but no other tests.

    NO scans either unless you push for them and they think it needs checked.

  • Hi Sam how’s your guy doing ? better I hope is he still going gym . 

  • HI Yes, hes still at the gym but its kind of a day on and a day off really.  He still gets very tired a lot.  He just wants to go to work but cant do that yet unfortunately..  Still trying to work out what foods make him sick esp during the night , a few bad nights have been followed by a few good ones.

    Hope your scans went well