Surgery has happened!

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  • 7 subscribers

Writing from my little cubby hole here in hospital...

I had surgery to remove my gall bladder and parts of my live on Wednesday 15th, early in the morning. It all seemed to go well, though my liver is apparently a bit soft. But not enough to worry about, it seems. I spent the first night afterwards in the High-Dependency Care Unit, and all went well there. So, next day, I was moved onto the surgical recovery ward.

The staff here are wonderful. So skilled, incredibly gentle, and able to give a great deal of attention to individuals, as the ward is generally fairly quiet, since it only holds post-operative recovery cases.

All was going well for a day or two, then I moved from the bed to a comfy chair... and was almost at once ordered back into the bed! Apparently I looked a very odd colour, was very clammy, and so light headed I was not focussing on what was being said to me. So back to bed I went! It was the right decision.

Last night, my dressings were changed, when the blood drain from my abdomen was removed. Now, it is known I am allergic to some dressings, but sadly, the absorbent one used on that particular would has now been added to the list. It was VERY nasty under there, and kicked off horrible allergic welts and raw patches right around my torso. After some attempts with pills, I was eventually given IV sntihistamines, which seemed to do the job and start calming it all down again.

Which leads us to waking up this morning, to discover I am coughing unpleasantly, and may have an upper respiratory tract infection. That's not at all fun.

So, it is fun and games here in stoat land. But I have moved to the chair with more success, and shall soon be having a showr, I hope!

Many slightly painful regards,


  • I saw the surgeon last month for a review. He said he couldn't pronounce it himself, and had never come across a case of it in a man my age. He admit to being totally mystified as to how I developed it. So I can now add him to the list of doctors who have openly said that my weird body has totally baffled them. It is a surprisingly long list...

    Still, I am on the mend properly now. Still not dared to risk any alcohol, and given that the last time I drank (half a glass of kir royale) it landed me in hospital for ten days, I shall probably stay tea total from now on...