Anyone in their 40s or younger?

  • 18 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hello everyone, I'm here because my little sister has been diagnosed with gallbladder cancer, advanced and spread to the liver. She is only 42, and like me, has very young children. She is a beautiful, funny, clever and wonderful person, and I would move heaven and earth to help bring her some brightness right now.

I am hoping that we can find some mutual support and friendship in others going through the same experience, which is why I am here. At such a young age she is feeling quite alone, and not always understood. I'm hoping that we can perhaps change that, and maybe even help others too.

Hoping to hear...


  • FormerMember

    Hi, Me me me!

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer last year aged 40 and I have a son aged 2. I had the surgery and they thought they might have got it all but sadly it had spread to my lymph nodes and a bit into my peritoneal cavity so I am classed as incurable. I had the major op last july then after recovery 6 months of gem and cis after which 'everything had shrunk'. But I have now just started another round of chemo just the gem which is what they call 'maintenance' to keep the cancer in check.

    This sounds like a depressing story but I was at work today and have got home, put dinner on and am about to pick my boy up from nursery to have another evening of toddler joy (!?).

    I'm not sure what my future holds and I know the stats are grim but as others have said these stats are based on mostly over-70s who as we know tend to be a bit more likely to succumb to illness quickly. I am hoping I'll live to see my boy grow up and I like your sister have to have faith the docs will do there best.

    As I'm sure she knows it's so rare that no one seems to know what to do. Please feel free to private message me as I am totally in the same boat as her and can talk her through the side effects of gem/cis and would love to have someone else under 70 to tak to as I haven't found anyone yet!!

    Warm regards,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hello Annie41,

    I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with T2 Gallbladder Carcinoma on Feb 26th, 2018. Had it and a neurotic mass of fat removed the same day. I was also told that this is an old persons decease. I was flown to Lahey Hospital in Boston to get a liver resecion. I start chemo on Thursday of this week. I was very lucky they found it. I went to the hospital with chest pains and that is what they found on my ct and ultrasound and MRI test. They told me if I would have waited for another 6mths it would have spread through my body by then. I feel so fortunate to have found it when they did. I have 3 daughters who are my world. I couldn't imagine leaving them here without me. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    Sorry it's taken me an age to reply. Been a horrible few months emotionally as I'm sure you know too well. I tried to PM but can't seem to so thought I'd reply on here.

    How are you getting on? My sister is on her 3rd cycle of Gem/Cis now and feeling very, very tired. Today the oncologist postponed her treatment (was due to have it this morning), as she's exhausted. 

    We are pinning all our hopes on the cancer having shrunk when they do the scan in a few weeks. They only offered 8 cycles max sadly, as surgery not possible due to the tumour having spread to the liver quite extensively.

    I hope very much indeed that you are doing well and feeling well too.

    Take good care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all

    Thank you so much for sharing. I have read Collett's blog too. As I am still waiting for diagnosis, I was hoping you can share your initial symptoms. There are so little info on GBC. 

    Many thanks in advance 

    J x 

  • Morning J,  as symptoms go I didn’t have any of the usual pain in the shoulders or pain in the abdomen, all I had was terrible acid indigestion for many many years and that’s why I went to my GP. Luckily that’s when they discovered my gallbladder was full of gallstones and I had it removed, my cancer was found in the path lab xx. Oh and since having it removed I’ve never had an issue with indigestion again Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Smiffy_69

    Hi Colette 

    Thank you for your reply. Your blog is really helpful. I am a thyroid cancer survivor, diagnose in my early 20s. Recently had my gallbladder remove because the scan shows a lot of gallstones. I only had intermittent pain for a month, went for ultrasound and then got it remove 2 days later. I was freaking out whilst waiting for the lab report. I believe the report shows thickening of the wall and nothing else. Will have more scans in future months to see if they can find anything else. 

    Thanks again 


  • Hi sweetheart my name is Charlotte I'm 35 I have two little children aswell I have been recently diagnosed with gallbladder cancer I am currently having IV chemotherapy 6 sessions then will have surgery to remove it all hopefully things will go well I take it each day at a time sending love and strength to your sister and you and family kind regards Charlotte 

  • Hi Lotte I thought I would be the youngest here! 35 seems an impossibility and I’m sorry for what you are going through.

    I’m starting chemo in 2 weeks. I’m classed as incurable as it’s spread to my liver and the tumour there is 12cm.

    I am still hoping for a miracle so I get to see my son grow up. All comments here about feeling lonely are really true for me. 

    hope you are coping with the chemo x