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  • 17 subscribers

Well i was hoping for a better year but not happening so far!!

Currently on antibiotics for infection in right groin nodes which ive been informing my CNS/Haematologist since last Sept! Only took me seriously in December and now awaiting CT scan results. 

My GP has been thorough and sent me for xray on my left knee as ive had nothing but pain for ages!  I have osteoarthritis so i guess he assumed it was that causing me pain.  Oh no....had xray on Monday..results back yesterday and GP rang me this morning saying it looks like bone lymphoma on my shin!!  Im so shocked! I rang my CNS who informed my new Haematogist (I complained to PALS about old Haemo!).  I now have appointment for next Wednesday.  Only found out today that my PET scan last July was from neck to groin area! Why didn't he do full body scan to ensure cancer hadn't spread? I feel its been all neglect from old haematologist! Im so annoyed and worried.  Ive had pain and oedema in my left leg for past 2yrs.  Lymphoma may even have started there and spread to left lymph nodes?  I couldn't kneel on left leg and still can't! 

Dont know what to think or do now...just in shock! 

  • Hi Rosie

    So sorry to hear your bad news. Hoping this is the turning point and that things start to improve from here. Wishing you all hope for the path forward from here.

    Regards,  Cormac 

  • Hi again  and sorry to hear how things have developed…..

    I have had many scans over my 25 years and never had a full body scan done…… I don’t think full body scans are normal practice.

    Unfortunately living with a Low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma like your FL….. can be an unpredictable journey.

    Lymphoma can turn up basically anywhere in the body. I have actually talked with a few folks on the various Lymphoma Action.….. Support Platforms who have been successfully treated for bone Lymphoma.

    Lets look for you to get clear answers soon ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Rosie,

    I had Grade 4 lymphoma in my hip bone, replaced most of my bone marrow.  That was 5 years ago and I'm still in remission after my only 6 chemo sessions with rituximab and bendamustine. No bone problems.

    They've got better options today than bendamustine, due to problems with persistant poor immunity, which is still an issue for me, but I cope.  If my lymphoma ever comes back, I'd have the latest treatment with confidence.

    Hope your appointment answers your questions and you can plan successful treatment with your new haematologist.  Best wishes


  • The more i think about it the more i believe this is where lymphoma my shin bone.  Them prob spread to left groin nodes.  Ive had problems with left leg for 2.5yrs...well before i was being tested at hospital.  My leg just blew up...i mentioned it to a Clinician and she said its just oedema most people get it as they get older! Didnt question it whatsoever and now look at me!  Even my CNS recalls me complaining about my leg to old Haemo....he did nothing!

  • My old haemo said my tteatment would be B and R.  There again, he said i prob wudnt need treatment for at least 4/5yrs as mine is grade1 slow growing FL.  Famous last words!! 

  • I think full scans should be normal practice.  Thats how things are missed and look at me now!  At least one (the first) scan shuld be full.