Holiday insurance

  • 4 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi again people, I’m now back on this forum after  stomach cancer and kidney cancer for my husband and bladder cancer for me.

What I’m trying to find out if you’re on Watch and Wait for follicular NHL grade 1 or 2 can you get holiday insurance?  I know in our case it’ll cost a fortune plus my husband is 80 so it goes up again, I didn’t want to get my hopes up of a holiday if the Hematology chap advised us not to go.

My husband had his stomach removed last month and doing ok, we’re not hoping to go on holiday for a few months yet, we’re back to see Hematology end of April so I can ask then, things were put on hold while they sorted the stomach cancer out. 
Thanks for reading and hope you’re all doing well xx

  • Hi again  oh a holiday sounds great.

    I have talked with folks with FL who were on Active Monitoring who have been able to get Travel Insurance....... but most did not have 'other' health issues..... but you can only try.

    I would suggest that you choose one of the main Travel Insurance Companies that cover pre existing conditions (I am not allowed to mention any names) look through this 'recommended travel insurance' thread or this New Thread in our Travel insurance group as it's where the majority of recommendations from other community members can be found. 

    The most effective and quests way is to call an insurer directly as this means that you have answered all the questions correctly and in doing this a suitable policy can be offered and price given..... or not.

    Comparison sites tend to use the same algorithms so getting a clear price can be difficult and it’s not that unusual to be turned down or told to call the insurers.

    All the best with your search.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hiya, something I was dreading was my first time looking for insurance with FL. Let me fill you in.

    Yes there are outrageous quotes that made me cry, but with perseverance and I cracked it.

    Firstly it all depends on the obvious, how old, and where you are going. I am 52 stage 1 grade 2 FL, going to Asia.

    Nothing else wrong with me except FL and on watch and wait. Firstly forget about Annual insurance, no one will except. Only one, but not worth mentioning as far too expensive. Please note these are my experiences from the info I have given about me. Firstly any insurance with clear and sure in the name I found to be more expensive. These quotes are  based on single trip with different excess ect. I Will start with the good ones.

    Tesco came up good with £231-£317 under money supermarket and £256 was £225---Medical travel puffin was '£319 -£335  and Rias was £347-- saga was £315 - All clear insurance ok prices, but watch out for the cancellation not covered on some quotes! 

    Here are some eye watering prices to avoid if you are similar to me. Avanti £673-916 --- £1722-£3025--staysure £839---justtravelcover AiG £509--insureandgo £1933-£838, however these companies above could be better around Europe or other countries but not Asia

    I hope this helps, prices are from Jan 2024.

  • Very helpful information  ….. this is a challenging area of the Lymphoma journey that can be hard to navigate.

    I have traveled on and off over my 24 years including to the minefield of the USA but taking time and persistence cover can be found…… as I volunteer with MacMillan I am not allowed to recommend any companies but your recommendations will be very helpful for other members Thumbsup

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello SueCC

    I’ve been on watch and wait since 2022 NHL stage 3.

    I have travel insurance through my bank. When I was diagnosed I confirmed it with them and they said I was still insured, but if I needed new tests in the future I would have to inform them and I would not receive cover whilst it was ongoing (the 3 monthly blood tests are excluded ). I have had joint replacements and this has never been a problem for insurance purposes unless I was waiting for tests. 

    Good luck with everything. 
    Sarah B