
  • 5 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi has anybody else has had any sweats during the night? I have stage 4 nhl and 2 rounds of chemo done another 4 to go. 
I wasn’t sure if my body was going through the menopause as I am nearly 45, any help or advise would help please.

when I have the sweats and get can last from 5 min- 15 mins 

  • Hi  I had no night sweats before or during my treatments but many people do say that they experience night sweats during treatment as the bodies metabolism can be effected by the treatments.

    Lets see if anyone group member has first hand experience to help you out.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Carolinemia, I have stage 4 Follicular Lymphoma and I am on day 6 of my first round of 6 rounds of R-CHOP. I have swollen lymph nodes in several areas on my body, and most of them are noticeably hot to the touch. I have had several near immediate responses since the day after I started treatment, 2 of which have included changes to me sweating.

    Before treatment I was having awful night sweats, I would find it difficult sleeping through the night as I was so hot and sweaty, and would wake in the morning absolutely soaking in sweat - especially around my neck line, which is where the biggest of my enlarged lymph nodes were. The day after I started treatment I woke with a dry neck.

    During the daytime I was constantly hot and would sweat at the slightest amount of walking, even just walking around the house. When I went out in the car with my family, they would all be sitting in their big coats and I would be in my shirts sleeves! Again, the day after treatment started I felt significantly cooler and was able to do things without sweating. 

    I'm really sorry to hear that you're having problems with sweating even though you're 2 rounds in, and obviously I'm only very early into my first round, so things might change for me yet, but for now I'm just enjoying being able to get around a bit and live my life without the horrible sweat that I was permanently having.

    Best wishes, Kevin.

  • Hi Kevin thanks for the lovely reply so glad ur doing without the sweats now. I don’t seem to be getting anymore.. however I am going for cycle 4 next week and getting full pain in my legs the consultant says it’s just another side effect and gave me the go ahead to go back to the gym which I have done and seem to helped so far…

    it’s the restless nights that I have too that’s something I am suffering with atm 

    when is ur next cycle then 

  • Hi, Carolinemia, Glad your sweats have calmed down now as well, I guess I will have the aching to “look forward” to! My next cycle starts on the 18th, at the moment I feel like I’m waiting for the slump to hit me, I was told that as soon as the steroids finished I would hit a slump, but it hasn’t come yet, I’m sure it will at some point! Well done on getting back to the gym, I’m not a huge fan, but now that I’m not sweating so much, I have been able to get out and do a bit more walking. Best wishes, Kevin.

  • Well I have cycle 4 this week do not enjoy the build up to it.. and hate the going through it especially over the bank holiday weekend…

    I don’t think I got the slump feeling I did feel very tired and very sickly and put on weight too not sure why though as eating healthy and drinking plenty of water too. 
    tbh I will be glad when it’s all over with and get back to a normal kinda life… the gym does help me and I still working full time too which is good and keeps my brain ticking along it…

    it’s defo quite a journey and a half