Dry itchy skin

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I’ve had 4 rounds of Chemo and ritriximab now , and am having a pets scan this weekend . Wanted to say a thank you to all the advice and guidance you provided me . 

I finished my last chemo 5 weeks ago and have found my face has become red dry blotches . I wondered if anyone else has experienced this and any tips the best ointment to use . 

I will go to drs next couple of days if it don’t start clearing . 

regards xxxx

  • Hi again , good to hear that you are getting through your treatments…… treatments like these (regardless of the exact type of treatment) can indeed have an effect on your skin.

    I had an actual skin NHL so know these challenges very well. Your skin is actually one of the bodies most reactive organs so great care is needed.

    Watch that you are ‘sun safe’…. if you think you are taking care in the sun, you may actually not be doing enough so no long term direct sun light on your skin - factor 50 from now on.

    Are you drinking the 2+ litres of water a day - every day?….. one of the best tools to keep your skin hydrated……

    Good quality skin Emollient like Diprobase or Hydromol Creams were and still are my go to skin food. I also use Dermol 200 Shower Emollient……. Keep away from scented products……

    But do talk with you doctor as some of these treatments can trigger dermatological issues you may have never had before.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Itching Is a Nightmare had to cut hair that was very long blond then it on top of itchy scalp started falling out so now bald / still itching but if I put oil on as recommended I got spots so regular 1+ a day Showers , & Germoline .seems to help.