Back/Hip/Thigh Pain

  • 9 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Hi All, I was diagnosed wirh FL in 2017 (grade 4 with bone marrow involvement, low grade). I was on watch–and–wait for 4 years.

Then when my lymph nodes + spleen had swollen considerably, we agreed I would have treatment comprising ritux + bendamustine.  I had 3 infusions out of 6 planned, and I asked to pause the treatment when Covid rates became very high.  Three months after my 3rd infusion I had a CT scan which showed that the swollen lymph nodes had retreated markedly and my spleen was back to normal size.  Hence further Bendamustine treatment was ceased, and I subsequently had maintenance treatment (Ritux only) for 3 infusions; but this was halted when lymph nodes started to swell again.

In late January, 2022, I started to experience lower back pain initially, which then spread into right hip, right thigh and subsequently into left hip as well as up into my abdomen.  The pain at times is quite severe.  I manage this with a mix of Ibuprofen, paracetamol and Cocodameine (paracetamol + codeine), the latter only at night and max 2 tablets only.

I contacted my Haematology team in February about this, and they suggested I speak with my GP, who requested blood tests and hip and thigh X-ray.  All results were normal.  At my request my GP also did 2 tests for prostate cancer – both negative.

I had an appointment with Haematology last week, and they had no idea what was causing the pain.  I had had a full body CT scan in January, 2022, and this showed that there was some slight disease progression but nothing that would indicate such pain.  Thay asked me for further blood tests and possibly another CT scan (ugh! – I'll soon be glowing!).

Has anyone else experienced such pain seemingly without a known cause?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi again . Having been on my journey coming up to 23 years I am never surprised to hear about folks just like yourself having unexplained pains.

    The one thing to try and get is your vitamin D levels checked. For many years I had this checked every 6 months (not a normal test GPS will do) as I have Thoratic & Lumber Spondylosis - Spinal Osteoarthritis so keeping a correct level helps reduce my joint and bone pain.

    Although, once I had my two Allo (Donor) Stem Cell Transplants (The last in Oct 2015) I bizarrely have had no pain and not needed any pain meds. 

    I wish you success in you getting answers and a way forward.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike, I remember you from when I used to come on this site shortly after my diagnosis, and I recall the wonderful help, support, reassurance and empathy you freely shared with those who were struggling with their lymphoma/other journey.  Every credit to you for what you do – I see you're a 'champion' – and I'm in luck as you're still here offering assistance!

    I stopped visiting this site for a few years, because I didn't want FL to dominate my entire psyche; I just wanted to get on with and enjoy life.

    And here I am back again when I need some support and answers.  I'll certainly take forward your suggestion re vitamin D, speaking of which I have just taken a vitamin D3 tablet as we had some in the meds cupboard.

    I have re-read your 'story' – how eventful!  And I trust you are all OK following your heart 'issues'.  I see also that you recently overcame Covid.  Bearing in mind your journey, this does not surprise me at all!  Coincidentally, my wife tested positive for Covid today, and we have both been effectively shielding since the epidemic began.  We have no idea how she caught it.  I am negative and hoping I stay that way as I will need to look after my wife.  We are now living separate lives in separate parts of the house.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom, and for being here!

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Lawrence,

    I just read your post...

    I hope the pain your going through will soon be resolved. I too suffer from mild to severe back and hip problems relating to degenerative disc disease, which I was first diagnosed with before my cancer. I also suffer from nerve pain in my leg, where the lymphoma is causing pressure.

    Pain killers seemed to have no affect and when it happens, I have to wait and let it work itself out...

    Taking the vit D3 has helped some, thanks to Mike's suggestion.

    I may not be going through the same as yourself, but I can understand the pain and difficulties it brings...

    Take care

  • Hi TKjedi,

    Sorry, I have only just seen your post.

    Many thanks for your supportive words, and I'm sorry to hear about your pain issues due to degenerative disc disease.  You mention pain in your leg where lymphoma is causing pressure... I suspect this is the cause of my pain, but I can't be sure.  I had another CT scan last Friday, and am awaiting the results which will hopefully come in a phone call tomorrow.

    I am now regularly taking vit D; but have not noticed a lessening of pain.  Meds of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen during the day do make a difference, with 1 Cocodamol (Paracetamol + Codeine) taken just before I go to sleep.  I am not a fan of regular meds – I'd prefer to exist without them.  But needs must in my case.

    Best wishes, and I hope you resolve your pain issues.


  • Hi Lawrence,

    For a few yrs I was taking Lyrica a non steroidal  inflammatory.  I found out that even though  it was taking a good bit of the pain away it was also increasing  other problems, so I decided to stop taking them. Took me 3  months to come off them...after that I swore to only take paracetamol  of solphadine.

    I learned to understand the difference in pain, what was good or bad...

    Like everything it takes time to learn what our bodies are saying and sometimes the doc saying,  go take more meds than really looking at  the source and treating it instead.. 

    I hope good news is coming your way

    Be well....xx

  • Hi TKjedi,

    An update:

    I had a tel. call from Haematology today, and was given results of my latest blood tests (all OK) and my May CT scan (one swollen node in my groin the only thing of note since my previous scan in January).

    So there is nothing to explain the pain in my back, hip and thigh.  So it's back to my GP.  Annoying, but necessary. As you sayTKj, it's important to find the source of the problem and not just treat the symptoms.

    Take care, all.


  • Hi Lawrence,

    I'm really happy to hear there was some good news. As for the swollen node there is a possibility that it's part of the problem. 

    When the Lymphoma was bad and the mass enlarged it pushed on the nerves leaving me with limited a piece  of string inside my leg pulled tight. I couldn't  bend or stay in a position for more than a few minutes or putting weight on my leg. Glad to say it's better now as the radiotherapy has started to work in reducing the size.

    I truly hope you will find a solution that will last and give you a break from that pesky pain..xx

  • Hi TKjedi,

    I'm pleased to hear your situation is improving with radiotherapy and hope it is a permanent fix.

    I went back to my GP as suggested by my Haematologist, and discussed my pain with him.  He reviewed my CT scan results, and said I had an infection in my left lung – probably as a result of having had Covid in April/early May.  This didn't surprise me as my Covid cough is still lingering.  I was amazed that my Haematologist had not mentioned this in her letter to me!  My GP prescribed a course of antibiotics to deal with it.

    Yes, like you, I also thought that the swollen node in my groin could be causing my pain.  But recently I have managed to deal with the pain without resorting to Paracetamol/Ibuprofen unless it is particularly bad.  I will discuss this again with my GP when my chest is clear.  One thing at a time!

    Take care!


  • Hi Lawrence,

    Good to know your getting there...

    On the hematologist  not mentioning others things, seems I went through something similar. I had a few scans done as you do and nothing was said about my  back, but another issue came up and it was oh by the way did you know you had this?? I didn't  and answered I do now!

    I think they only concentrate on their subject and unless it's  written in big words,  they will stick to what they have on the cancer...

    For me it's  now waiting game to see how things progress. I'll be going back to the hematology team for after care in a couple of weeks and try to adapt to the new 'norm'...

    Be well

    Debbie :)