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  • 16 subscribers


Please can anyone help me with some advice!?!

I am a survivor of Follicular Lymphoma, I used to be a member on here before have lost my loving and changed my email.

Your advice helped me immensely before and I am hoping for some advice desperately. 

I will fill in the about me section as soon as I can but really need to post first.

I was diagnosed with NHFL in 2014 it was stage 1 treated with radiotherapy. I am still under my consultant and monitored every 6 months. I have been quite well had a few problems over the years but havent we all?

I have recently had a lot of anxiety and mental health issues as my health took a downturn this year. I had kidney stones, they were removed but my gp took so long to refer me as an urgent case I was left for 3 months with a stone stuck in my ureter. 

This was sorted but I have been left with a stone still in the other kidney. Its caused me lots of issues this past 6 months, water infections, constant bad back but fuel to the corona virus my appointments have been put back to November. 

I was furloughed for 7 months while I was recovering from condition which was a god send for me as I have been struggling.

I was then advised that they were making redundancies and due to amount of time I had off I assumed I would be the one to go so I left. I so regret doing this. 

I was lucky enough to get another job in a private hospital but I've only been there nearly 3 months and I've already had so much time off sick with health issues, kidney problems, anxiety, suspected corona virus. I think I had Corona virus back at the beginning of the new year as I was quite I'll with flu but put it down to my immune system at the time. 

I have recently found a lump at the top of my ribcage which is under investigation except there is nothing being done about I'm so anxious I'm off work again. I cannot get a blood test due the national shortage of the chemical they use to test and I am still waiting for a ct scan. My gp thinks its benign but I was misdiagnosed with the lymphoma, told it was a fatty lump and 6 months later bang I was in hospital have the lump removed in my groin and radiotherapy all sorted with 2 weeks. 

I have a limited support network, I feel noone cares and I feel such a burden. My mum used to be Rock, her advice was always good solid advice but this past year her memory has deteriorated quite a lot and I fear she is getting dementia or alzheimer's it runs in our family. I have a brother who is very busy with his own life. He rings mum a few times a week and chucks money at her if she struggles. 

I am my mums main carer and motivator, she is always low and depressed and I do my best to lift her up take her out or pop there every single day, it's a 40 mile journey but I still do it. 

Sometimes when I get there I'm feeling quite low myself but do my best to not show it as it is the last thing she needs to see. I try to remain supportive but I sometimes go away from there feeling even lower, mum is s survivor of breast cancer too. 

My doctor signed me off on thursday for 2 weeks, I need it in fact I dont know how much I can go on working. Fatigue knocks me off my socks, I can sleep for 10 hours and still feel whacked out.

My job is at risk I know that, i am still on probation, my mum needs me and I so very need it but i wanted this job so much it was  supposed to be a fresh start, new career the lot. It just hasnt worked out that way and it would be great to have some advice.

I really appreciate this and I hope your are all okay and well.

Lots of Love, Julie 

  • Hi Julie , lots going on with you and everyone around you.

    First, do remember that the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support or just a listing ear, open every day 8am to 8pm and it's free to call on 0808 808 00 00 have a look by Clicking here for more information. There is a dedicated Work Support Team so they can listen, support and advise as best as they can.

    The fact that you persevered and came back onto the Community is a good step, I always say that once we all start our cancer journey we all put on an invisible rucksack, this is the place we put all the worries, regrets, what if's and other stuff we collect...... then we carry it all around with us day in day out. So this post in it's self has emptied a little of the stuff onto the floor.

    You do need answers for you health what if's so keep pushing your medical team, get those point elbows into the doors of the system as getting a clear answer would lift some of the burden.

    Happy to talk more.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Julie, I tried to reply yesterday but my post was lost unfortunately so here we go again, re advice try not to make any rushed decisions, give yourself time to reflect to be sure and confident what you are choosing to do is right for you moving forward. 

    Take Mikes advice and do seek help, either here at Mac or elsewhere so you can talk about everything that is impacting on you at present and impacting on your mood and anxiety so that the anxiety does not become debilitating which it can. It may also be worth looking at what help may be available to either help your mum or to help you in the carers role, do you have a carers centre nearby? often they provide a listening ear as well as advice. I am guessing your brother is not being supportive, would that change if you explained you needed so "me" time to help you.

    Just some thoughts to help, 


    we all know this is a roller coaster ride, where we ride blind, never knowing where the highs and lows are