About as clear as mud on Covid 19

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  • 19 subscribers

Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that there would be an announcement on Friday about certain groups needing to go into isolation for 12 weeks.

Well guess what?

There wasn’t one.

So, what do I do carry on working?

If I get the virus and end up in hospital will someone say why didn’t you stay at home!

There is just info about social distancing on the Gov page.


  • Hi Doh

    Understand how you feel, BJ said tonight that all at risk and severely at risk(all those with blood cancer) would be receiving individual letter before Monday. Apparently 1.4 million letters post men going to be busy!

    Not sure if it applies to N Ireland or Scotland so yes as clear as mud.

    Stay safe we will all be alone but together through thisxx

  • I am self isolating as much as possible and following the guidance in the link until I am told different. 

    I am now over 4 1/2 years post my second Allo Stem Cell Transplant and even on Wednesday past my Late Effects Nurse said “……think you have just come through your Allo SCT again and take exactly the same precautions as I did then........” so I am basically back into a few months isolation controlling everyone I come in contract with and where and what I do

    She also said ”……. once a blood cancer patient always a blood cancer patient"......... "All the treatment you have had has indeed had a long lasting effect on the effectiveness of your immune system even although your bloods are ok with a few at the lower limit range of acceptable, like any virus you are at risk but this one we don’t know how a post Allo SCT Patient will react - let’s be safe and not sorry”

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Yes thanks I read this on Lymphoma action site.

    "If you are in this category, next week the NHS in England will directly contact you with advice about more stringent measures you should take in order to keep yourself and others safe. For now, you should rigorously follow the social distancing advice in full."


  • FormerMember

    Sorry if this sounds harsh but use your common sense it really is quiet clear

    If you suffer from Lymphoma then you are in an at risk group and need to be very careful 

  • Yes but it’s hard to self isolate in a work environment.

    When you don’t work alone and random people turn up in your face

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Doh

    No idea what job you do but I know what I would do in that situation

    Be safe...

  • It's tricky, but we are disabled workers, even if it's (hopefully!) temporary.  I believe managers have a duty to ensure they make reasonable adjustments to your work to enable you to carry on.  Without these, you might have to stay at home to be safe.  It miht include giving you some safe space to carry on.

    I'd have a quiet word with my boss, and also a look at the ACAS website, which is really up to date on work issues.  Especially useful for folk who don't have trade union support at work. Your boss probably doesn't understand that you are vulnerable because of your impaired immunity.  Lots of people are surprised about this.  We got to be experts the hard way!


  • This'll be interesting!  I've just had an email from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (though I'm actually a health visitor) and they've asked me to return to support the NHS. 

    Not sure what they think I can do! 


  • This made me laugh from Gov website (the date).

    "If you're at high risk, you will be contacted by the NHS by Sunday 29 March 2020. Do not contact your GP or healthcare team at this stage – wait to be contacted."

    Apparently, it says anyone with blood cancers at any stage of treatment.

    Is watch and wait a stage of treatment?

  • , I would say yes. Mainly because you are being monitored so the in between times are an unknown.

    With regards to the information we are all basically in the same boat at the moment so my watch words just now is ‘be safe not sorry’ as this was what my Specialist nurse said just over a weeks back.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge