melanocytes choroidal lesion

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  • 5 subscribers

Hi I am trying to find more about treatments options and consultants for my sister as she has been diagnosed with choroidal tumour originally suspected as naevus. she is so worried and we are trying to find the best options for her as her other eye is not good and she does not want to lose her sight.

Any help or ideas welcome? many thanks

  • Hi

    I'm sorry that no one from this group has been able to help you yet with their experiences of treatment and consultants.

    I have found this information for you on the different types of treatment your sister might be offered. I'm presuming that she hasn't yet had a discussion with her consultant. 

    Once all the tests have been run there will be a MDT (multidisciplinary) meeting where a team of health professionals will meet to decide which is the best treatment. Your sister will then have an appointment to discuss this and she might like to have a look at this information from Macmillan on the sort of questions to ask before she has this meeting.

    Let us know how she gets on

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  • Have a look at the OcuMel uk website. That will tell you everything.

    I was diagnosed over 30 years ago and had no choices but there are more today.