Help please

  • 1 reply
  • 5 subscribers

My husband, whom I previously mentioned as having a stoma following surgery for stage 4 small bowel cancer, has now been told that histology has found tumour particles around but not inside his lymph nodes. Firstly does anyone know how this may affect him going forward. Secondly, since his discharge from hospital he does not want to leave the house. He stays in bed most of the time sleeping, or if he gets up sleeps for long periods in the chair.  He eats well but has very little energy. I'm worried about him.  Can anyone advise me how I can best help him?I

Thank you 

  • Hi, 

    I'm sorry that I can't help with your questions, I would suggest phoning the Macmillan helpline to ask for advice. It may also be beneficial to speak to his liaison nurses if you are able to.

    Best wishes 
