Do you feel like a dead person walking after treatment?

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A year on from my treatment. In the back of my mind I feel it will come back. I feel like I need to tell everyone how I feel. Whether hurts them or not. I'm tired...

  • Hi again  the post treatment journey can for many be as challenging or even more challenging than the treatment journey itself.

    Our bodies (and minds) go through a lot during treatment so navigating the post treatment life can be hard. There is always a chance of relapse but the treatments used for your DLBCL are seen as curative…… the barrow load of treatments I have had over my 23 years only keep my type of Lymphoma at rest and relapse is expected…… but I am 7.5 years out from my last treatment and doing great….. so there is a challenge in there, celebrate the good time and leave the ‘what if’’s and maybes” on a high shelf so that you are not looking at them all the time.

    Honesty has always been the bedrock of my 23 year journey, family and friends are well aware of the struggles and it’s not seen as me complaining or looking for sympathy but always having an open book. By doing this we have removed the guessing game as to what people think is going on and the reality of the hard times are lived through and supported in various ways……. but we always celebrate the good and positive.

    I don’t know who you have ‘talked’ this through with but talking helps….. doing this for me was a sense of weights coming off my back.

    Lymphoma Action run regular Support Platforms...... I highly recommend these groups as there is nothing better than talking with other who have walked the journey.

    They also have a great Lymphoma Action Buddy Service where people can be linked up with someone who has walked the same treatment journey. They also have a Lymphoma helpline on 0808 808 5555 where you can talk with someone and get support - open every week day from 10 till 3.

    Check to see if you have any Local Macmillan Support in your area, do also check for a local Maggie's Centre as these folks are amazing.

    You may also find it helpful to make a cuppa and have a look at this great paper After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey as it highlights the post treatment milestones.

    Abd I am always around to chat.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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