B cell lymphoma four chemo r chop cycles in and tested positive for Covid. Despite being immunized fully and wearing masks. Help!!!!!

  • 4 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Tips for getting through a Covid infection whilst having B cell lymphoma ?

so I’ve just completed my fourth chemo RChop and now I’ve tested positive for Covid and I’m freaking out. 
i have a dry cough some headache and neck pain and that’s all just now. 
 Anyone knows how this affects the lymphoma ? What I can do to ease symptoms. I’m obviously isolating  from my family.

help please?

  • Hi again  this is what I put up in your other post.

    Sorry to hear this, in the UK people in the exact same position would call the NHS 24hr helpline and antivirals would be arranged for them and delivered using a taxi to the door…… or in some cases they go into a special area of the hospital and get a short antiviral IV infusion.

    I have talked with many folks in the same position as yourself and most say they had nothing more than flu like symptoms….. you need to call your oncologist to see if there are antivirals available in Germany ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • My onco is shut ar the moment. I’ve left a message on her private emergency number. I rang the hospital too. I need to know when is an emergency, when I should go to hospital etc.I don’t know what warning signs I should look out for, and which I should ride out . If that makes sense!?

  • I had Covid a year back and I had no problems - man flu for 24hrs and did not require antivirals.

    Folks in our position (in the UK) call the NHS 111 24hr support line and are asked a set of questions, this then triggers meds if required.

    THIS LINK will take you to the Covid Information on the Lymphoma Action Site.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • ….. look for more medical support if you:

    • start feeling very unwell, particularly if your breathing changes, becomes difficult, or your cough gets worse
    • feel that you are getting increasingly short of breath
    • are showing signs of dehydration
    • a continues high temperature

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge