Husband's DLBCL on going news

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  • 13 subscribers

Hi my husband finished his chemo at the end of Oct beginning of Nov, the results so far are great, all his major organs/bone marrow/blood stream are now cancer free, but he had a floater for which he has just finished a 15 day course of radiotherapy, he is now wiped out, so tired and no energy whatever, we know that this will get better with time, but the pair of us are done in, it will be a year in March since he was first diagnosed and he has travelled the road to where we are now, the team at the Western General Scotland have been fantastic don't know how we would have coped without them.  He has a scan booked for end of April beginning of May so hope we hear the "R"  word then.  So anyone out there starting their treatment for DLBCL  there is light  at the end of the tunnel,  and hope we all come through the other side, keep safe and will keep praying for everyone on this long journey


  • I hope so, DLBCL is a roller coaster.wishing you all the best 

  • Hi again  good to hear he is at the r d of the treatment journey. It’s been a hard year so I am not surprised that you are both worn out, take time and recover ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Mike good to hear from you, hope you are well? Yes it's been a long year but we are nearly at the end of it now, we are still standing (just about) George needs to rest now and get his energy back, the radiotherapy affected his eyes he looks like someone has given him a a few wallops, but he was told that this will disappear shortly so onwards and upwards, have just poured myself a large G&T and who knows I might have another one, take care and will keep you up to date on his progress