My Husbands DLBCL

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  • 12 subscribers

My husband George is in hospital at the moment having had his 1st round of methotrexate, and now is has picked up an infection, he is starting to get a bit depressed, I'm doing my best to hold it together but finding it hard, some days better than others, just want him home, so fingers crossed he starts to get better soon, we are nearly at the end of the road now, and please God we will have some good news to share.


  • Hi again ..... first a few supportive ((hugs))....... oh this journey at times can be relentless....... yes let's look for things to clear up and he can get home soon.

    Over my main treatments Sep 2013 to Oct 2015 (see my profile) I amazingly had no infections although I was often Neutropenic. It was not until I was 11 months out from my last treatment the infections came thick and fast........ but we were in a better place to deal with them all.

    I do feel for you and your husband....... as hard as it is at the moment.......... all you can do is look to the future and keep looking at the greater good in all this........ you will both look back and see that in the bigger picture all these hard times were actually temporary......  this is why I always have the Nelson Mandela quote at the end of all my posts...... "It always seems impossible until it's done"


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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