Got the all Clear is May Now I have symptoms.

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  • 13 subscribers

Hi,  I didn't want to write as it is starting to feel all to real.  I got the all clear in May which was brilliant, but I have had strange feeling in my stomach and nausea for several months, I told my consultant when he was due for a routine call, he said its probably scar tissue and if it continue to see my doctor, not sure why as I thought the Haematology department was looking after me. Anyway  I have seen my doctor and had blood test and my liver one is raised, now I have itching all over and so obviously worried.  Just hoping its nothing, anyone else had symptoms which have been innocent?


  • Hi ….. sorry to hear that you are on the ‘what if’s?’ rollercoaster.…… unfortunately a lot of folks have to navigate these times…… I have had similar problems a number of times….. tummy problems, something ‘new’ on my lung, a good number of unexplained nausea/sickness issues, lumps where my mass was turning out to be scar tissue……?the list goes on…….. some were months, indeed years post my treatments.

    I am coming up to 7 years out from my last treatment and even over the past few week I have had pains in my side…… possible UTI?…… a kidney infection? and after some tests most likely a small infection but my immune system has dealt with it - no antibiotics required.

    It takes some time to develop a trust and understanding of your post treatment body.

    After treatment is finished and you are a few months out from treatment your ‘general’ health will be transferred back to your GP with your Haematologist keeping some contact as they are only looking out for Lymphoma symptoms - hard to differentiate Smirk  


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Keep an eye and have it checked.DLBC lymphoma is a rollercoaster.

    Loads of love Ghaz 

  • Hi Mike,  Nice to hear from you and thank you for all the information.

  • Hi Ghaz, I will in fact they are sending me for a CT scan, hopefully all the symptoms are nothing just scarring etc. When you get the all clear people are obviously really happy for you but they think your back to normal and you are outwardly but inside your not.

    Best Verity