My husband's FLOCK journey

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi my husband George is more than halfway along the road of this journey, his last round of chemo (4th round of 6) really knocked him for 6, he looked absolutely awful, said he felt like he was hit by a bus, his BP plummeted, he had dizzy spells and just felt awful, he was due to have his round of metatraxate last week but they decided to cancel it, it has taken him a while to get back to feeling somewhat normal.

His next round of chemo is next week and hoping he is ok, I'm trying to keep a happy face on, but was upset last week when he was unwell felt so helpless as there was nothing I could do to help him.  But I'm sure he will come out the other side, so fingers crossed for him next week.


  • Having been the one in the bed these challenging times tend to wash over our heads……. even now, coming up to 7 years out from my last treatments I still hear stories from my wife of when I was in intensive care and I have no idea it happened.

    I will always say that the one sitting beside the bed have just as hard a journey as the one in the bed.

    Its time to hold your nerve ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Mike yes I will hold my nerve, and yes it is a hard journey for us both and both of our children are fantastic, the love and support we have from them has been fantastic don't know how we would manage without them.