Reflux, heartburn, sore mouth & throat!!

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

Had my 3rd R CHOP on Friday which went ok. My problem is severe heartburn and reflux - everything I eat or drink hurts and burns. I also have an incredibly sore throat. Last week I left hospital after a 9 day stay (yes during that heatwave!!) where I was diagnosed as having PCP (fungal pneumonia). So I took 7 days of Doxycycline (guaranteed to mess with digestion) and now I am on 3 weeks of Septrin. My morning dose of pills is 26 at the moment as taking steroids too! I am on Acalabrutinib for CLL which does not allow anything to help reflux - I had been on Lansaprozole for many years. I am swigging the odd dose of Gaviscon between all the tablets. Sorry this is a bit rambling but bottom line is does anyone else have this, does it last long before oesophagus heals and what will help me? Thanks.

  • Good morning , I was waiting to see if anyone would pick up on your post but at the moment things are on the quiet side.

    How are thing going now?

    Did you try raising the head of your bed?

    To widen your support reach could I suggest you check out Lymphoma Actions Lymphoma Action Support Platforms as this will connect you with a larger group of people ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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