Update on my husband's DLBCL

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  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone, my hubby George had his halfway scan last week, and good news, the swelling in his spleen has reduced significantly, and the consultant is delighted with his progress, she said all the boxes have been ticked, mind you his 3rd treatment was the first time he had any issues, he was in a bit of pain and felt like he was hit by a bus, but he is now feeling much better, he had his 4th round yesterday and he is good.

He is having a treatment on Monday (metatrexat) hope I spelt that right!! So hope he does not have any side effects, the time has gone really quickly since he was diagnosed and at last we are seeing good results, long may it last.


  • Hi again  abd good to hear things mate going well. I always say that if a consultant is happy you should be delighted…….. but as she is delighted then you should be ecstatic  

    I did not have Methotrexate but there are others who had it so let’s look for them to pick up on your post.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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