Feeling so ill on the R Chop

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  • 14 subscribers

Hi to all the warriors fighting this.  I am on here for my mum as she as Non Hodgkins follicular lymphoma stage 4..my mum has had one round of RChop and has been so ill from it can't seem to get the nausea under control and isn't eating much .And I am worried as she has the second round this Wednesday I feel so helpless has anyone else been like this x

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to this corner of the Community although I am always sorry to see folks joining us and sorry to hear your mum is struggling.

    I am Mike and I help out around our various Lymphoma groups. I was diagnosed back in 1999 with a rare, incurable type of skin NHL Stage 4a so although my Lymphoma ‘type’ is different from your mum’s I appreciate the challenges of this journey well.

    Unfortunately for some, the Nausea can be challenging. I had R-EPOCH the big brother to R-CHOP which is rather full on being on the chemo IV for 120hrs for each of my 6 cycles….. but I did ok with the nausea, yes I felt nauseous a lot but was only sick once……. but it did initially take a lot of phone calls with my Specialist Cancer Nurse (SCN) and a good number of changes in anti-nause meds to find the one that worked for me.

    Has you mum or a member of the family been in communication with her clinical team to report this and see if they can find the fix?

    It’s though going in the early days as the body gets such a shock but let’s hope that thing settle down for her.

    She needs to eat as her body needs the ‘fuel’ to keep her energy levels up. The one thing that does help some of the nausea effects is flushing out her body so she does need to be drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water every day as this is going to protect her kidneys from the toxic effects of the chemo as this will flush it out of her body.

    We do actually have a specific Follicular lymphoma group but R-CHOP is used across various NHLs so you would get the dane basic information regardless the group,

    Always around to chat.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  •  I am so sorry to hear that your mum is suffering after her first round of R-Chop.  Mike=Thehighlander is very helpful and gives very good advice.  I would definitely agree with everything he says. 

    I had my 6th and final R-Chop 10 days ago.  Thankfully I've not been too bad at all.  I have drunk 3 litres of water a day starting the day before and for 3 days afterwards to flush the chemo out and then 2 litres a day after that.  I do know it can be difficult to get someone to do this if they are not a 'water drinker'.

    Maybe the anti-nausea meds aren't quite right for your mum.  Have you contacted the hospital to see if they can help?

    I wish your mum well on her journey.  Please keep us up to date with how things are progressing with your mum.

    Best wishes and {{hugs}}

    Pamela xx

  • I'm just finishing round 4 of R-CHOP, and have struggled a bit with nausea from about day 6 to day 16 each time. I've found that drinking lots of water helps, as does nibbling a pear and eating ginger biscuits. I spoke to the clinical team and have been given anti-nausea tablets, which have undeniably helped, but it's been a grind. Little and often is the key to keeping food down, and drinking water at every opportunity. and I also found that just going for a lay down in a quiet room helped to settle my stomach.

    I hope your mum can stick with it, first one down and it's a big start.


  • I really feel for your mum everyone on here is right got to keep eating drinking water.I've just had third cycle and I still feel new to this its tiring,  its a tough fight but it's keep going time.

    Wishing you all the best Rustynail