R-CHOP and steroids

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Just finishing my 3rd round of R-CHOP, due my 4th on the 2nd August, got to say that this round has been the toughest so far. I've felt pretty rotten from about day 6 of the cycle, and it's lasted till now, not improving after a week like the first two rounds. The only thing different was that this time I didn't taper off steroid dose, just went from 100mg for six days of chemo week  then none. First two cycles I tapered them down over two weeks before getting ready for the next cycle, but this time I was told to just stop after the six days.  Anyone else do it like that? 

I've had a lot of nausea, swollen ankles and general water retention, headaches, very tired all the time, muscle aches, and cramp in my calf muscles. My recent PET scan showed that things were on track so I'm not losing faith in the treatment process, just realising that this journey isn't quite the plain sailing I hoped for.

Anyway, I'd be interested to know from others on R-CHOP what they do with the steroids? I specifically asked my consultant about my concerns on cutting back on steroids so abruptly, and he was positive and clear on his instructions, so of course I followed his guidance. But I still feel rough this week...

Cycle 4 due next week....Steady the Buffs


  • Hi Steve . I had 6 cycles of the big brother to R-CHOP (R-EPOCH) and came off the steroids cold turkey after every cycle and had no real problems. But as the cycles went on…… things just got harder with me having a section of the issues you have listed gradually increasing in severity until treatment was completed and out of my system. 

    It can be a rough journey but you will get there.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Keep looking forward. Day by Day, week to week. It's tough, but you'll make it. The 4th was the most rough for me, but I started thinking that I'm finally over the half way point and that I've gotten this far I've got to keep going.